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After the Great War, many countries of the world pointed towards communism to fix economic issues during their reconstructions. Tuvaria nor Skavari were involved in the conflict, but the influence reached the two either way. The lower classes of the five states were being oppressed and abused by their governments and had less restrictions to basic human needs because of their wealth. So, when communism came to the region in 1919, the poor had a new opportunity to seize power. Through the great power of lobbying, a powerful group from some of the worst slums in Tuvaria were able to form the '''''Socialists Party of Tuvaria (Socijalistička partija Tuvarije)''''' in 1921. Though they existed in parliament, they were unpopular with the rich '''TPP''' and '''PPT''' parties governing currently, the head of the '''SPT''' was '''Josip Leonova (1880-1954)''' who published writings on Communist Beliefs since the 1910s. He'd grown his public image to such an extent that now he had proper influence in the ongoings of government. In 1924, he was elected to Master of Parliament which was the highest role in Parliament under the President making him and his party more powerful than even the majority parties.
After the Great War, many countries of the world pointed towards communism to fix economic issues during their reconstructions. Tuvaria nor Skavari were involved in the conflict, but the influence reached the two either way. The lower classes of the five states were being oppressed and abused by their governments and had less restrictions to basic human needs because of their wealth. So, when communism came to the region in 1919, the poor had a new opportunity to seize power. Through the great power of lobbying, a powerful group from some of the worst slums in Tuvaria were able to form the '''''Socialists Party of Tuvaria (Socijalistička partija Tuvarije)''''' in 1921. Though they existed in parliament, they were unpopular with the rich '''TPP''' and '''PPT''' parties governing currently, the head of the '''SPT''' was '''Josip Leonova (1880-1954)''' who published writings on Communist Beliefs since the 1910s. He'd grown his public image to such an extent that now he had proper influence in the ongoings of government. In 1924, he was elected to Master of Parliament which was the highest role in Parliament under the President making him and his party more powerful than even the majority parties.

In Aranistan, Communism became the thing with the country having a history of being dreadfully poor and in need of a new hope for the people. At first, the pro Tuvarian democratic government had consolidated power over the Aranistani Communes but quickly, the government lost power as the people revolted against them and quickly causing order to collapse. In order to prevent full anarchy, the Democratic government abdicated in 1923 and in 1924, the Federal Republic of Aranistan became the '''''Socialists Republic of Aranistan (Socijalistička Republika Aranistan)'''''. The response from their neighbors was negative with the Tuvarians and Skavarians reprimanding the new government and the radical changes it took from the classic way of order that has been in effect since the fall of the United Kingdoms. The leader of SRA, '''''Ajdin Sastinovna (1886-1975)''''' called their responses "Childlike at best" and life continued as usual. SPT leader, Josip Leonova supported the new communist nation and would continue to call for support of the SRA in Parliament.
In Aranistan, Communism became the thing with the country having a history of being dreadfully poor and in need of a new hope for the people. At first, the pro Tuvarian democratic government had consolidated power over the Aranistani Communes but quickly, the government lost power as the people revolted against them and quickly causing order to collapse. In order to prevent full anarchy, the Democratic government abdicated in 1923 and in 1924, the Federal Republic of Aranistan became the '''''Socialists Republic of Aranistan (Socijalistička Republika Aranistan)'''''. The response from their neighbors was negative with the Tuvarians and Skavarians reprimanding the new government and the radical changes it took from the classic way of order that has been in effect since the fall of the United Kingdoms. The leader of SRA, '''''Ajdin Sastinovna (1886-1978)''''' called their responses "Childlike at best" and life continued as usual. SPT leader, Josip Leonova supported the new communist nation and would continue to call for support of the SRA in Parliament.

==== Nothing interesting in the 1930s through 1950s ====
==== Nothing interesting in the 1930s through 1950s ====
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==== Viktor Yurichenko's rise to power (1977-1990) ====
==== Viktor Yurichenko's rise to power (1977-1990) ====
Viktor Yurichenko (1945-2003) was born in a small home in Tuvaria on July 19, 1945. His upbringing was less than fortunate with his father being an abusive drunk and his mother being out of the picture after his birth. At school, he was regularly bullied and tormented by Aranistani children and over time, he grew a resentment towards the Aranistani peoples. Instead of becoming a radical as expected, he used his anger to fuel his political goals and concepts for Tuvarian peoples. In 1965, Viktor Yurichenko became the youngest man in Almodarian history to enter an office at the age of 20 as a foreign diplomat for Tuvaria and Phoenixia. He started to grow a following as his political power became stronger in the public. Many times, he would go to Parliament and would give loud and powerful speeches to the majority Tuvarian Parliament to stir up their beliefs in Tuvarian Supremacy and Ultranationalism. The Communists in Tuvaria and the Aranistani and Skavarian parliament members called out Yurichenko as a "Deranged Fear hatemonger." But this didn't phase him or his plans to gain more power. In 1977, Yurichenko with members of the TPP Party, made a plan to implant agents into neighboring Aranistan, Almodor, and Skavari to get political support pro Tuvarian for future endeavours.
Viktor Yurichenko (1945-2003) was born in a small home in Tuvaria on July 19, 1945. His upbringing was less than fortunate with his father being an abusive drunk and his mother being out of the picture after his birth. At school, he was regularly bullied and tormented by Aranistani children and over time, he grew a resentment towards the Aranistani peoples. Instead of becoming a radical as expected, he used his anger to fuel his political goals and concepts for Tuvarian peoples. In 1965, Viktor Yurichenko became the youngest man in Almodarian history to enter an office at the age of 20 as a foreign diplomat for Tuvaria and Phoenixia. He started to grow a following as his political power became stronger in the public. Many times, he would go to Parliament and would give loud and powerful speeches to the majority Tuvarian Parliament to stir up their beliefs in Tuvarian Supremacy and Ultranationalism. The Communists in Tuvaria and the Aranistani and Skavarian parliament members called out Yurichenko as a "Deranged Fear hatemonger." But this didn't phase him or his plans to gain more power. In 1977, Yurichenko with members of the TPP Party, made a plan to implant agents into neighboring Aranistan, Almodor, and Skavari to get political support pro Tuvarian for future endeavors.

In 1978, Ajdin Sastinova of the Socialists Republic of Aranistan mysteriously died of a heart attack induced by a "Bad Medicine Intake" for his heart problems. It would be later figured out that Yurichenko had him poisoned and killed prior to the election for a Master of Parliament. Once Ajdin was dead, the communist party fell apart and Aranistan came under command of a Regional Welfare Council. In the same year, Yurichenko became Master of Parliament in a landslide vote with nearly 92% of the votes saying yes to Yurichenko. Tuvaria's lack of restraints for the Master of Parliament gave way for Yurichenko to pretty much do as he pleased. He started by disbanding the Communists party after fabricating false evidence of political corruption and voting blockage. He then removed the Progressivists Party which returned Tuvaria to a one-party democracy. The presidential election was coming quick and by 1985, the 40-year-old madlad was consolidating power in Parliament. His close friend, [[James Ackerman]], helped gain support for Yurichenko who at the 1986 pre-election poll, had a whopping 89% support percentage compared to his competitors. Everything was going according to plan and in 1986...Yurichenko became the President of Tuvaria...

==== The United Republic of Almodarian States (1990-2002) ====
The years between 1986 and 1990 were hectic to say the least. In 1988, Yurichenko disbanded the Tuvarian Parliament in favor of a cabinet full of his close supporters to control the whole country, he shutdown multiple government owned projects and Aranistani owned businesses including some of the largest in the country. The borders of the country were tightened, and military spending skyrocketed whilst spending for the people became less and less. Remember those agents Yurichenko implanted into neighboring countries? Well as the plan was expected, they managed to infiltrate their governments and get pro Yurichenkoists into office and concepts for a "Newly United Almodaria" were drawn up. In 1989, Yurichenko finally got rid of the electoral system and in a large rally declared himself "President for Life". In 1990, a referendum was sent to the neighboring 4 states. It suggested a united country under a single banner under the renewed name of [[the United Republic of Almodarian States]] where each state will get limited autonomy on decisions but all refer to Yurichenko as their leader.

Results as expected were mixed. Varatistan were one of the firsts to accept unity on June

== Etymology ==
== Etymology ==