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===== The Following Investigation (1841 CE) =====
The investigation began the day after the assassination at noon. The capital police ordered that all members of Parliament would recall back to the chambers to conduct a recreation of the moments before the shot was fired. All members were told to sit in their same seats which included the currently unknown Syndicate of Val whose members sat nervously during the proceedings of the recreation. The police had actors be in the place of Jaroslaw and the President to simulate the shot being fired. The members of Parliament who sat next to Jaroslaw were interrogated thoroughly as well because Jaroslaws abdomen was covered in injuries sustained from multiple stabbings which couldn't be done by one man alone since there was simply too many. Nikolai Valenska was the first to be interrogated at random. Police Reports post examination recalled him being '''''"Extremely Kind and full of horror"''''' as he was right next to where it all happened. If only they knew his dark secret. He was cleared by the police and the rest of the members who sat with him were interrogated. One member said he wanted to give up who planned it but waited for his lawyer. That same night, he was found dead in a back alley with multiple stab wounds. This piqued interest to the police and ramped up the investigation. New theories came up with many believing there was an inside job from inside the TPP which had a known grudge against the new party.
The investigation continued with Police beginning interrogations of the family of Jaroslaw. His brother who was well informed on what Jaroslaw was up to, told police that his brother for the past week had been acting more distanced from the world as if he had something on his mind or was busy with something but he had a hunch that Jaroslaw was in some bad business. The investigation began to slow down until that November when a member of Parliament randomly turned themselves in for the conspiracy to assassinate. Their name was '''Thomas Fredericks''' and claimed that he was part of a '''''"Syndicate of vile assassins."''''' in his own words. He claimed that his group was known as the Syndicate of Val but he didn't know who Val was. This seemed oddly suspicious to police and they decided to keep him locked in holding until they could get him to talk again. But out of no where, he was found dead in holding with multiple bruises and cuts covering his body. This is the second time during the investigation that a body was found brutally beaten and stabbed and the police finally understood that an inside job was at hand. The case was closed but the government began making wavers telling people to look out for a supposed "Syndicate of Val".
Peter Kusanovic was sworn in as President and the TPP was happy just like Nikolai Valenska had planned.
== Etymology ==