Almodaria: Difference between revisions

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The years between 1986 and 1990 were hectic to say the least. In 1988, Yurichenko disbanded the Tuvarian Parliament in favor of a cabinet full of his close supporters to control the whole country, he shutdown multiple government owned projects and Aranistani owned businesses including some of the largest in the country. The borders of the country were tightened, and military spending skyrocketed whilst spending for the people became less and less. Remember those agents Yurichenko implanted into neighboring countries? Well as the plan was expected, they managed to infiltrate their governments and get pro Yurichenkoists into office and concepts for a "Newly United Almodaria" were drawn up. In 1989, Yurichenko finally got rid of the electoral system and in a large rally declared himself "President for Life". In 1990, a referendum was sent to the neighboring 4 states. It suggested a united country under a single banner under the renewed name of [[the United Republic of Almodarian States]] where each state will get limited autonomy on decisions but all refer to Yurichenko as their leader.
Results as expected were mixed. Varatistan were one of the firsts to accept unity on January 22, 1990, after years of their own political turmoil. Skavari at first denied their entrance into the union, Aranistan joined quickly on March 6, 1990, Almodor followed on June 18, 1990, and lastly, Skavari finally joined the United Republic of Almodarian States on August 25, 1990. Yurichenko had accomplished his mission, but it was only the beginning of his Fascist Reign...
Results as expected were mixed. Varatistan were one of the firsts to accept unity on June
== Etymology ==
