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The period after the prosecution of Parliament was a reconstruction of sorts. Policies and rules for members of government were reshaped, added, and removed. Bills were frozen in order to ease the process, and hundreds were laid off from positions until further notice. This would go on until 1866 when Parliament was recalled under President Kusanovic and the country was back at ease for the foreseeable future.
==== Gastovna and Sagrovna: the race for bolt action (1857 CE-18691870 CE) ====
Over the past half a century, technology had advanced from muskets to a new kind of gun: the standalone rifle. The rifle used an early kind of modern bullet which proved to be superior over old Muskets. Sagrovna made this design as Sagrovna Model 1 rifle back in the 1820s but since then there have been many changes and the rifle was now classified as the Sagrovna S.01. Meanwhile up in Tuvaria, Gastovna arms struggled to keep up. They made their own modern rifle design, but the cheaper materials made it easier to break down meaning more maintenance was required per shot than originally predictions assumed. However, a new technology became available: Bolt Action and both sides wanted it. In 1860, '''Edward Gerisic (1842 CE-1906 CE)''' was an Aranistani Inventor who came to Sagrovna arms with a proposition to sell his bolt action rifle design. His design used the body of the S.01 rifle, a built-in magazine which would add more ammo use, the end of the barrel would funnel inwards, and new iron sights were designed for superior accuracy. He demonstrated his design in 1861 to multiple Sagrovna higher ups. The bolt action design revolutionized quickly reloading with Gerisic even setting a record for the country with a speed reload of 4 seconds. The ammo came in clips meaning that speed reloading could be done effectively and cause less wear and tear for the gun mechanisms and the loader. The rifle by Gerisic was named the '''Sagrovna S.02 "Gerisic Bolt Action"''' and entered limited service in 1866. Gastovna in usual fashion, copied the design and took creative liberties with some components and made the Gastovna R '68 in 1868. The Skavarian Armed Forces began mass service of the S.02 in 1869 and Tuvaria followed with the R '68 in 1870.
==== The future of warfare (1871 CE-1900 CE) ====
War had fundamentally changed. Cavalry had started to be phased out slowly by the Tuvarian army in favor of a larger infantry and more artillery. The Skavarian army and the rest of the states followed age old doctrines of speed over skill and quality over quantity to keep the steamroller going. This tactic was become derelict as new tactics like entrenchment and sector artillery could stagnate battles and obliterate entire battalions. Tuvarian Army Analyst '''Sygor Maximov (1840 CE-1912 CE)''' recalled saying quote:
'''''"The time of your fathers war where men would charge on the backs of horses, and cut down men with sabers has come to an end. Your time of war will be plagued with more destruction and attrition than any of our ancestors could ever imagine in any of their storybooks."'''''
This quote would be the motto for the next century which would bring more explosive change to the Almodarian region than any other time in recorded Almodarian history.
==== The five states at the end of the 1800s ====
Tuvaria through all of the struggle it weathered, came out on top as the most advanced state out of the 5 with more advancements in politics, education, and combat than any other could possibly manage in a century.
Skavari managed to keep their head down and their temper under control even in the moments where there could've been another final war. But their northern enemies were level and controlled and the Skavarians could see another century.
Aranistan could hardly make it through but with their independence secured, and the future of the people in their own hands, the best times are yet to come.
Almodor...did nothing.
And Varatistan through the moments where there was literally no central government, were able to find self control through Tuvaria.
=== Modern Era ===
The Modern Era has finally arrived.
== Etymology ==