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'''The Federal Republic of Almodaria (TFRA)''' is a Centrist Federal Elective Democracy found in the barren and warm regions of [[Arcturia]] and formed in the year 2002 after an era of bloody civil disputes in the region it now stands in. The population stands at 18 million Almodarians. Almodaria is known famously for the large yields of fishedfish gathered from their trout fishing industries alongside its arms manufacturing for the Almodarian National Army. The largest city is Tuvaria with a population of 12 million citizens as of the 2022 National Census followed by Aranistan with a population of 4 million citizens.{{Infobox country
|conventional_long_name = The Federal Republic of Almodaria
|native_name = Savezna Republika Almodaria
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|national_motto = The Stronger We Are, The Longer We'll Stand!
|national_anthem = Hold the Colors High!
|image_map = [[File:AlmodariaMap.jpgpng|thumb|The Map of Almodaria showing the capitals (and name) of all five states]]
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The Visidarians became the leading group in the region. After the triumph of the Visidarian Campaign, the Visidarians saw beyond just fighting for resources but fighting for reign over the Almodarian region (at the time known as Almodar) and so began the '''Conquest Period (1860 BCE- 1650 BCE)'''. The first conquests of the period were in the west as the fear of the Almonians grew. The Almonians were silent conquerors who moved the settlements west into the deserts while holding the most fertile soil in the lowlands. Sacrifices were made for blessings and the '''Visidar-Almonian War (1850 BCE-1822 BCE)''' began. The war was the biggest thing seen in the region since the conquest of the Darians almost a decade prior. The Visidarians pushed south and cut off forces from the coast, starving the desert men who had their food transported from the coast deeper into the continent by merchant routes. After supplies were cut, Almonia stood no chance and after years of fighting the leader of the main troops '''Tvrtko''' burnt down the major city of Ferahna and the war was over. Visidaria took over the lands Almonia once called theirs and Tvrtko who led the troops to victory was deemed the '''king of all Visdarians''' and was deemed the God of Conquest and almighty ruler.
===== '''Visidar-Almonian War (1850 BCE-1822 BCE)''' =====
===== '''King Tvrtko (1820 BCE-1760 BCE) and the glory period (1820 BCE-1760 BCE)''' =====
When Tvrtko became king, he centralized the reigning Idolatry religions into one religion called Solerianism and the temple of Sol was built in honor of the sun deity Sol. Tvrtko put the Almonians into slavery and sacrificed anyone from elders to children in honor of Sol. The failure of the Almonians led to the beginning of the prosperous period of prehistory Almodaria in the '''Glory Period'''. The Glory Period had technological advancements that brought Visidaria to new highs and they were unstoppable. The only other Almodar civilization that could pose any threat were the Darians who shared the same name however their northeastern coastline territory was not needed by the growing Visidarians as they had more than enough as it stood now. King Tvrtko: known for conquering more than anyone knew was possible at the time and enslaving the inferior Almonian people, dies in 1760 BCE and the rift that forms is enormous. Almonian slaves began to rise up against their masters as people panicked in the streets as they couldn't believe a man who was practically godlike could die. The Glory Period would come to an end as a result of the chaos and near brink of destruction.
===== '''The Almonian Uprising and Exodus (1760 BCE-1660 BCE)''' =====
After Tvrtko died the realm was shattered. All in the realm believed he was immortal and would rule for eternity but clearly, they were wrong. The Almonians however, took this as the chance to break free of their chains and become free people once again. In the same year of the king's death the Almonians rose up in rebellion and began a rampage through the roads of Visidalia. Almonians took the weapons once held by their owners and slaughtered the people who enslaved them, killing anyone who got in the way of their escape. The streets were covered in so much blood that according to recovered documents it was "up to the knees of anyone who could walk.". The uprising was going well into the armed guards arrived to shut down this uprising as the people of Visidalia continued to riot in the background. Many would not survive any further than this point as the well-trained soldiers tore through the slaves. Instead of fighting back, many decided to run and the rest of the crowd of thousands began their escape from the city. But the bloodshed wouldn't end as those who couldn't keep up with the massive swarm were crushed by the others running in a large crowd crush. The soldiers could not stop the rampage and the Almonians left the city battered and bruised with a trail of corpses as markers of the deadly run. The exodus was a long campaign where the Almonians needed to find a new home very very far from their captors and moved northwest. It is unknown where they settled but historians suggest that the groups split with one group taking refuge with the Darians and the other half moving deeper into what is now Varatistan.
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'''King Ivan II (17 CE-70 CE)''' had a different approach to ruling the kingdom. Instead of the laid-back approach the leaders' generations prior to him followed, He was an ambitious conqueror but a courteous leader who reformed the punishments for crimes, re modeled the economy, and strengthened the economy. Meanwhile, he and other skilled generals wanted to crush the "Feral and animal like" Visidarian barbarians who should face the wrath that they once put upon the peaceful Almonian people. In 40 CE, the Grand Army of Daria arrived in Visidaria to send an ultimatum to their leaders. They stated that '''''"There shall be no war and no blood to tarnish the lands, if they give up their barbarous treachery and become civilized peoples once more."''''' There was a silence for a period of somewhere between 2-3 minutes according to written documents but then from the silence there was sound from inside the gates. A man stood at the top of the wall and spoke for the assembled force to hear and said one word...'''''"No."''''' the man then lowered his head from the wall and disappeared and silence filled the scene once again. There was confusion among the assembled crowd. The messenger replied: '''''"Why must you disagree with such order that may save your people?"''''' A different man rose up to where the previous man stood at the wall. He had armor made of Bronze and a helmet covered his head and he spoke: '''''"We just won't it simply isn't enough."''''' The messenger was dumbfounded at such a reply and sunk into the soldiers. The man at the gate turned and left. Now what are they to do? Just leave? Well, they didn't know they expected the Visidarians to be begging for freedom from their horrific circumstances. The head generals of the army decided to return home as the expenses and casualties brought by pulling down the wall were not worth it. This story would go down in history as a humiliating and haunting memory in Almodarian history.
===== '''The rebranding and unification of Northern Almodar (56 CE)''' =====
Almost 16 years past after the humiliating "Ultimatum" against Visidaria occured and yet nothing has happened significantly. The Almonians however, took the time of relative peace to advance their technologies and expand culturally into a strong people unlike how they were hundreds of thousands of years ago. Ivan II, in need of something grand for his people. He saw how the Almonians have changed and called the Royal Council to order. He called to officialize the North-Almodar Collective Identity and united the throne with the Almonians as a dual monarchy. The council voted yay or nay with 7 yays to 1 nay (He was of visidarian descent) and the coronation of the Second King was set. The Kingdom of North Almodar (North People) was officialized in 60 CE. The Almonian king was King Miklos who was chosen for his admirable service in the rebuilding of the Almonian culture.
====== '''The Dual Monarch Schism''' ======
[[File:TwoKings.png|thumb|An artists interpretation of King Miklos I (left) and King Ivan II (right) sitting on the dual thrones.]]
The Dual Monarch Schism was the divide between those who believed in a single monarch and those who believed in the dual monarchy. No serious arose during the schism but it caused a deep political divided that would later be defined as foreshadowing of future political divisions by historians.
===== '''The Coronation of King Miklos of Almonia (61 CE)''' =====
[[File:CoronationofMiklos.png|thumb|An illustration of the coronation of King Miklos of Almonia 61 CE.]]
The day of the coronation was March 1, 61 CE. The weather was perfect for the occasion and the crowds waited outside for the new king to arrive. Miklos entered the Throne room of the Old Kingdom Castle (Old Kingdom due to it being constructed in the Ivan I era) and knelt before the head of the Royal Council Goran Sevic who held the crown above him. He was crowned that afternoon as bells in the square rang. History had been made and for the first time two Kings were to rule the realm. Miklos rose as King Miklos I of Almonia, sworn to protect and cherish the throne and its peoples through the toughest of times.
===== '''The North Almodar invasion of Visidari and the beginning of the new era''' =====
Now that the second king was crowned and all is in order, it was now time to remove of the Visidarian threat the lurked in the south. The plan was simple: send as many men as can be trained down to the nerve center Visidalia and conquer the kingdom. The Kings saddled up on their horses and led their armies down the grueling route to Visidalia. They arrived at the kingdom in late 61 CE. It was a familiar sight after the ultimatum failed to do anything and from the looks of it no one was home. Miklos at the front of the army called out for their enemy who stood behind the walls they threatened. This time there was no small talk, and the guards rang warning bells to signal the rest of their troops of the coming attack. The Almodar force stood at about 10-15,000 (It wasn't expected to need a larger force) while the Visidarian force stood at 12,000 about. There was no time to wait as the signal bells rang and armed troops made their way to the wall.
====== '''Breaching the Wall''' ======
The Almodar troops managed to breach the wall at midnight after setting up ladders to climb the wall. The guards were ready and began picking off the first to climb the wall while others lit torches to burn down defenses. Casualties began to pile up as the soldiers were picked off but soon enough the Almodar's breached the wall and set fire to any building they came across. The temple of Sol, which stood since the time of Tvrtko was set alight and burnt to the ground by the next day while the Visidarian troops were torn apart by the highly trained Almodar troops.
====== '''Inside the city''' ======
Petty King Dusan of Visidaria joined the conflict as soon as the enemy charged through the opening in the wall. He was quickly captured by a group of soldiers and was stripped of his weaponry while Visidarian men were slaughtered in combat. The flames reached the market square and set alight everything making the sky brighten like the sun returned from the night. By dawn, the fires had burnt out, and bodies of both Visidarians, and Almodar's laid in the streets. The temple of sol was now rubble, and the kings keep caved in due to the flames. North Almodar was victorious and had King Dusan in shackles. The area that Visidaria was made of fell into the control of Almodar troops and the Visidarian people were to be sold into slavery like how they enslaved and dehumanized the Almonians.
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The second Glory Period began after the conquering of Visidaria. Cultural and political revolution began in the two united kingdoms with shifting of thought of Moral Senses with the uprising of Slavery and the government began to change, allowing more control to the council and vassals while allowing the throne to keep authority over the kingdom. This would also be the last years of Miklos and Ivan II as both were getting older, and the days grew shorter. Judging off of what happened in Visidaria after their king died, the council began making preparations for what will happen once the kings die.
===== '''The Succession Crisis of 68 CE''' =====
Up until now, no one has thought up what would happen if the monarchs were to die. King Miklos had no extended family nor did he have any of his own children and a heir apparent could not be found and if one wasn't to be found then the fate of the united kingdoms could be dark. Luckily, Ivan II had his own child Ivan III who was of age to take the throne which eased the worries of the council. The group came to the decision to hold the first ever vote for a heir. High up feudal leaders in the kingdom would be able to run for a spot as the heir and other vassals would be allowed to vote. The winner would be chosen when Miklos would die.
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The abrupt death of Miklos I caught the Royal Council off guard. They expected the king to live another day or two so they could complete the vote, but this was not the case. However, some of the stress eased away as they remembered that the son of Ivan II, Ivan was of age to be coronated. If Ivan could control the kingdom while the vote came to an end, then the peace and prosperity can continue. Ivan III was brought to the castle of North Tuva (which is now Tuvaria) so he could be coronated as soon as possible. Ivan III began his reign that day at the young age of 18.
===== '''The Heir to the Almonian Throne''' =====
The heir to the Almonian throne was found the day after coronation when the vote conceded early. The young man named Goran was the son of a wealthy vassal in the chiefdom of Vorka (not all vassals had gone feudal due to issues within) and the date of Coronation was set for the end of the week. Goran was set to take up the name of Miklos II in honor of the late king. There was no fancy ceremony just like with Ivan III and he was crowned in the Castle of Almor with a messenger set to the entrance of the castle to announce to the people that the crown was secure.
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A new golden age was beginning this time with the intelligent and knowledgeable Skavarians. They managed to scrape their way to the top with not only superior military might but with a superior set of rules and advancements in culture. Skavari became the first elective democracy in the five republics and allowed women to work jobs outside of their homes if their husband passed away or was out of the country. Skavarian influence in the region became apparent as more Skavarians began to immigrate to the other five states alongside spies who would infiltrate the governments and expand Skavarian influence into the politics of the country. This led to Varatistan, Almodor, and Aranistan making an allied defensive pact to the confusion of Tuvaria in the north who was left alone. This perpetual peace represented the rest of the Early Modern Period as the alliance was too strong for Tuvaria to fight a good fight and come out with anything on their side.
===== '''The beginning of Sagrovna Arms Manufacturers (1590 CE)''' =====
Defense became a larger priority in the country and as the rise of new weapons like Muskets began to be apparent, a new manufacturer was needed. On August 6, 1590, Sagrovna Arms Manufacturers was founded by Radovan Ruzic. The company at the time made weaponry like swords and bows as used by the army since the unity days and prior, but now they were making a new technology: Muskets. Muskets had farther range than bows and could inflict further damage than arrows could. In 1594, the first Almodarian made musket was used in basic training for Skavarian, and defense pact soldiers. First reviews of the weapon were poor with soldiers saying that the powder used to fire the musket ball was too cloudy to see through after firing and others saying the bullet drop was too immense. On field targets, the musket balls failed to penetrate the targets and left dents instead of cuts. This was good criticism, and the design was sent back to engineers to improve upon the design further. 1596 was the year when the design left development once again. Reviews were mixed with many saying the musket balls could now leave a good hit in the target while others believed the smoke was still of concern. However, the issues were overlooked and the design entered full service a year later as the '''Sagrovna Model 1 Musket'''. The next task for Sagrovna was to make a smaller musket that could be used for officers in a pistol form. The design of the original Model 1 was recycled with the barrel being shortened significantly and the loading rod shortened as well. This became the '''Sagrovna Model 1 Pistol''' and entered service in 1599.
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The defense pact, which at first believed they were above the Tuvarians, were now weary of the force after the surprise development of the Infantry Rifle 1. The question amongst Defense Pact members was whether they could hold up against the once again growing force. The Defense Pact could win with brute power alone but the Tuvarians were superior in their offensive strategy and supply lines. Tuvaria was once the supply core of the Kingdom of Almodaria and now that they were broken up the defense pact relied on Aranistan (who was the closest to the old lines) to supply the main force. This stress would soon become a burden on Aranistan. Meanwhile, Sagrovna began ramping up production of rifles and pistols in order to combat their sister company and enemy Gastovna. The Almodarian Arms Race began in 1600 CE unofficially but both sides agreed that they were both against eachother and openly told eachother about it. The Skavarian Ambassador to Tuvaria, Tito Kukezic was recalled saying when asked about Tuvaria that '''''"The northern neighbor is the worst threat to all Almodarians since the times of our ancestors."''''' with the sentiment being shared in the highly political populations. Varatistani Ambassador to Tuvaria also recalled saying '''''"If I were president of Skavari I would've invaded Tuvaria by now."''''' to some confusion by colleagues. Tuvaria shared the same idea with Political Analyst Liam Martinovic stating, '''''"I've seen toddlers with better reaction time than them."'''''. Although the two entities were not fond of eachother, neither wanted to truly go to war since everyone was basking in the light that was centuries long peace after a self-destruction war.
===== '''The Tuvarian-Aranistani border confrontations (1670 CE-1700 CE)''' =====
By 1670, both sides had stockpiled thousands of weapons. Muskets had evolved immensely with the new '''Sagrovna Model 10 Musket''' and the '''Gastovna Infantry Rifle 12''' with Gastovna continuing the trend of stealing designs and editing them to be more superior at a cheap cost. In 1650, Tuvarian politicians made up concepts of reuniting the Almodarian region under a Tuvarian government. Aranistan was deemed Tuvarian territory due to it being part of the Duchy of Tuvaria back in the Kingdom of Almodaria days. The nationalist government believed that this was destiny calling to be brought to reality. The Aranistani government denied Tuvarian claims as true claims and claimed they were '''''"Dirty ideas of a Tuvarian World."''''' and called for support from the Defense Pact. Skavari in response sent an aggresive threat to the Tuvarians claiming that any invasion on Aranistani territory was an act of all out warfare. Tuvaria acknowledged the threat in order to conceal their deeper plan. On May 9, 1670, Tuvarian artillery fired cannon artillery at Aranistani encampments on the border. Aranistani soldiers quickly sprung up into action and fired back. Tuvarian soldiers crept out from the heavy foliage and fired at the oncoming Aranistani soldiers. Neither side entered the others borders but fired back and forth at eachother through the night. After a few hours of combat, Tuvarian soldiers retreated to the relief of the confused defenders. Casualties on both sides were over 100 with even more injuries. The defense pact berated Tuvaria for breaking the peace after hundreds of years and for threatening a pact member after repeatedly being told that an attack would mean bigger issues. Although the defense pact wanted to invade Tuvaria for this attack, they were unable to due to the fact that the Tuvarians never entered Aranistani soil, and the attack was deemed a border conflict. These attacks would be repeated by both sides with the same useless beratings and threats and by the end of the 1600s, the casualties from all campaigns combined equaled up to over 12,000 without including injuries.
====== '''The Civilian point of view''' ======
Civilians who were in the vicinity of the border made up about 3,000 casualties at the end of the campaigns with many being children and elderly. There was no way to evacuate the elders during the bombardments and so they were trapped in the center of the calamity. There would be no consequences for either state for the civilian attacks and currently the conflicts are too old to do anything anyway.
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Just after midnight, Aranistani soldiers were in deep slumber in their barracks with sentries at the border being hardly awake. Meanwhile, Tuvarian soldiers were marching to the Tuvarian-Aranistani border with a force of 12,500 led by '''General Milorad Dorsevic (1696-1733)''' who by this time was a highly experienced General. He usually led the 17th Rifle Corps of Tuvaria but tonight was a special mission, it was an invasion force. After two hours of marching, Milorad's men reached their firing positions with cannons coming to back up the rear. He gave the command to begin the attack and shortly before dawn, the Almodarian Wars began. Aranistani troops took their time with getting up and were completely out of formation. They were picked to pieces by the precise fire of the Tuvarian soldiers and soon after they began their advance into Tuvaria. Another General by the name of '''Peter Gorasevic (1698-1755)''' were enroute to back up Dorsevic with a force of 6,000.
===== '''Entering the country''' =====
The Aranistani troops at the border retreated in mass and Dorsevic and Gorasevic began their advance forward. Casualties from the first batte reached around 200-300 injured and 150 killed on the Aranistani side while Tuvaria suffered two killed due to their rifles backfiring in their faces and causing severe burns. The first battle after entering the country was at the village of Ivanograd (named ironically after the king who united the realms) where the 17th Rifle Corps (now led by Dorsevic) of 3,500 met the 1st Rifle Detachment of Aranistan which had a force of 2,400. The battle began soon after the two met and had high casualties on both sides. The first Tuvarian casualty by an enemy was a drummer boy who was caught in the crossfire sadly. Anyways, the fighting would continue until the afternoon of the same day came around and the 1st Rifle Detachment retreated into the fortified city of Pogorsk. Ivanograd became a command center for the remainder of the invasion.
===== '''The Defense Pact intervention (1724 CE)''' =====
Now that the threat was actually proven to be real, the Defense Pact refused to least in the beginning because the Delegation believed that Aranistan did not need the protection and resources from the Defense Pact. However, there was one issue that would make it so that all members had to intervene: Almodor. Almodor was bordering Aranistan and if Aranistan were to be annexed, Almodor and the rest of the pact would be at risk of invasion. And so, after a year of Delegation, the Defense Pact officially declared their intervention in the war. Almodorian troops were the first to enter Aranistan and were a gracious sight to see. The first battle with Defense Pact troops took place in a field outside of the town of Huvic with Tuvarian soldiers under Dorsevic. The battle lasted for 4 hours before Defense Pact troops retreated and the glorious Dorsevic pushed forward to capture Huvic.
===== '''The siege of Aranistan (the capital) (1724 CE-1725 CE)''' =====
[[File:AhmetMuratovic.png|thumb|Ahmet Muratovic (1688-1767) was a high ranking Skavarian General who would be deemed the "Savior of Skavari" later in the war.]]
The victorious Tuvarian army reached the capital of Aranistan (very creatively named Aranistan) and surrounded the city with a coalition of 16,500 soldiers. The city itself was a massive fortress in itself with the defense force being made up of 6,000 reserve forces. The 3rd Artillery Regiment of Tuvaria began their siege of the building at dawn on April 8th, 1724. The Defense Pact which was still reeling from their big defeat at Huvic were still en route to the city as the siege began, leaving the weary Aranistani troops alone. On April 10th, a deal was made between both sides allowing civilians to evacuate the city to lower civilian casualties. By May, less than a quarter of the civilian population left and this is when the 3rd Artillery with support from the 6th, and 8th rose their firing routine to three rounds of shelling per day leaving the ageing stone walls in dismay. The siege, though successful, was purposely slow and painful in an attempt to starve off the defenders and ruin the integrity of the fortress walls. In late 1724, Defense Pact soldiers arrived in Aranistan with a force of 7,000. The force was led by '''General Ahmet Muratovic (1688-1767),''' a seasoned General who has a family history within the Skavarian Army. The Defense Pact coalition confronted the Tuvarians on November 24th,1724 at the first battle of Aranistan.
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The coalition under Muratovic were able to leave a dent in the attackers but were crushed by the siege guns that were turned in their direction along with the decisivie flanking maneuvers done by Dorsevic. The siege would continue for the next 3 weeks as and in between, the forces led by Muratovic would push against Dorsevic. In April of 1725, the northern wall of Aranistan collapsed leaving the forces inside in a panic. The army led by Muratovic were able to delay the push into the city by Dorsevic but it was too late, and by the next day, Aranistan collapsed.
===== '''Tuvarian control of Aranistan, and the invasion of Skavari and Almodor (1725 CE-1736 CE)''' =====
Aranistan had fallen, and the Defense Pact hurriedly regrouped in Almodor as a new invasion was beginning. The young and spirited Milorad Dorsevic was recalled saying when asked about the invasion by a colleague that '''''"This War is not a large loss for Tuvarians throughout the five nations, but instead a gift I brought to them."''''' this quote summed up the Tuvarian goals in the war: Conquer and Celebrate.
The Almodorian Army which was made up of 2,500 volunteers, was shattered at the battle of Skavaridor (the name of the city merges Almodor and Skavari together comically to show how close the two countries were. The Almodorian generals were captured and put in chains and Almodor surrendered in June of 1725. Now there was one more country to invade before the war could formally end: Skavari. Varatistan was ruled out as a questionable area to conquer but the desert like conditions in the region were too dangerous for a successful invasion so, Dorsevic led his men to Skavari. The exhausted and humiliated General Muratovic brought more men to the Almodor border with the rest of his remaining reserves spread out along the Skavarian border to make a pincer move and encircle trapped Tuvarians. In July of 1725, the Tuvarians met Skavari at the border in the Second Battle of Skavaridor. Both sides were evenly matched, but the uptight and ambitious Dorsevic couldn't see through the pincer trap his men were caught in and 300 of his men were encircled in the first pincer swipe. Casualties soared into the thousands, and the Tuvarians made one more breakthrough attempt into the country to no avail. The Skavarians had won their first major battle since the Defense Pact intervention and morale was boosted. But hope wouldn't last for long...
====== '''The Second Attempt (1726 CE)''' ======
The war entered a dormant period for the rest of 1725 but kicked back up in mid 1726 when Muratovic in a furious attempt, used over 25,000 soldiers to crash through the border. The attack, which had the largest amount of artillery since the Siege of Aranistan, turned the border into rubble, and destroyed Muratovic's army. "The Blitz" as it was called, horrified Skavarians and forces retreated from the border and reserves began evacuating the capital and fortifying.
===== '''The Blitz (1726 CE-1733 CE)''' =====
The Blitz was the out of control, high speed, invasion of Skavari by Tuvarian Forces as led by Dorsevic and signified the Tuvarian hunger for bloodshed. It encompassed the burnings of entire towns, mass executions, and quickly moving from town to town and ended at Bilosiva River.
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Anyways, back at the battle, his second in command who joined him at the beginning of the conflict, Peter Gorasevic, led the remaining troops through the forest using torches to tear down the forest. Gorasevic led Dorsevic's men out of Bilosiva and they marched towards town of '''Mutarovnie''' to meet the main army as they prepared a siege. Dorsevic would go down as one of the greatest Generals in Almodarian History and a statue of him stands outside of the capital of Almodaria. He was also deemed '''"Milorad the Conqueror"''' by every other state but deemed '''"Milorad the Bastard"''' in Skavari.
===== '''The Siege of Skavari and the return of MutarovicMuratovic (1734 CE- 1736 CE)''' =====
The end of the war was near and Tuvaria was already planning the celebration. Meanwhile in Skavari, the streets of the city were empty, barricades covered every road, and members of the Skavarian and Varatistani Military waited. MutarovicMuratovic was amongst the group waiting in the city. He was humiliated after his many defeats but this time he wouldn't lose...or so he believed. In late 1734, the boom of cannons sounded through the city as the siege began. The bombing would continue nearly daily for the next two years until 1736 when the attackers began their actual attack.
The Defense was made up of 30,000 soldiers; the most seen on the Defense Pact since the war started. The Attackers had a force of 25,000 and although their numbers were scary, their army was exhausted, tired, sick, and didn't want to fight much longer. As the attackers began their charge into the city, Muratovic order all frontline troops to start firing at will and for cannons to send barrages at the attackers. Casualties rose into the hundreds and into the thousands as the day continued, as men were cut down without a chance to make it far. But the effort wasn't enough, Tuvarian Soldiers entered the city and used bayonets to fight in close quarters combat. The battle was the most brutal battle in Almodarian history until the Siege of Tuvaria in the early 2000s. Skavarian Cannons were directed towards buildings to cause blockage in roads to deter the advance. the invasion group of 25,000 would be cut down to 15,500 over the next three days of street conflict. Muratovic was nearly killed multiple times, but he deterred his assailants each time, Morale was higher at every chance. Tuvarian command noticing the bloodshed unfolding, abandoned their posts in order to not be blamed for the deaths of thousands. The Tuvarians were pushed out of the city in 1736 CE, the number of bodies in the city left a stench for the next month and the brick roads were stained red. The counterattack was on.
===== '''The counterattack and the race for Tuvaria (1736 CE-1745 CE)''' =====
===== The counterattack and the race for Tuvaria (1736 CE-1745 CE) =====
The Skavarians and Varatistani's began their advance into Tuvarian territory. Command collapsed on the Tuvarian side, and the armies surrendered as soon as they saw their enemies on the horizon. The Defense Pact liberated Almodor in 1740 and Aranistan in 1743. In 1745, the Defense Pact were at the border of Tuvaria once again and the Tuvarians surrendered. The Almodarian Wars were over.
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By the 1780s, members of the Lower-Class were fed up with the conditions they were forced to live in. Remember the Neo-Almodaria Movement from the early 1700s? Well, they still existed...sorta. By now. the group was a third of its original size and was dying out if it couldn't find new membership. Now, the group was gonna abuse the fact that everyone is mad at the government to reel in more members. The group would begin recruiting in the slums again this time picking up career criminals, the homeless, disgruntled workers, and oddballs of all the sort. By 1782, the group had a force of 450 members. The group created a plan to force the government to bring more aid to the slums with force by rioting in the streets and possibly kidnapping a member of government. The plan would take place on August 24, 1782.
===== '''The Plan Begins''' =====
The Neo-Almodaria Movement meets behind a bakery in the square outside of the Tuvaria (The Capital) government building. The first group behind the bakery was deemed "Red Group" three other groups were in the surrounding alleyways in the strength of hundreds. These groups were Yellow, Blue, and Black Groups and they were going to convene in the city square that afternoon.
Red and Yellow entered the square at 3 o' clock PM. They carried bricks and rocks, and some carried around lofty plywood ready to cause damage for the cause. At 4:30 that afternoon, each of the groups arrived in the square and began to chant the phrase '''''"SMRT U ČAST ZIVOTA" (Death in honor of life)''''' which was believed to have been said due to the belief that the death caused by the maltreatment of the poor must be reciprocated onto the rich in honor of life which is backwards, but the Neo-Almodarians believed it was right.
====== '''The Protest''' ======
Soon after arriving in the square, the groups began raiding and pillaging stores, banks, bakeries, and homes and causing further damage with the makeshift weaponry brought with them. The police arrived with military grade weapons including muskets at 5:00 after a brief argument with the chief of police and the President of Tuvaria over the question of civilian casualties. Protesters began charging at police with about 45 being picked down by the first round of musket fire but the rest made it to the police lines and proceeded to violently beat to death many whom they encountered. At 5:12, the leader of red group was shot and killed inside a bakery by an unknown assailant as the police after the incident would say that none of the other officers shot the man who was out of sight of the defending cops. Cop casualties rose from 25 to nearly 63 in the coming hour and a half skirmish.
Line 362 ⟶ 361:
Varatistan during the saga of events taking place in Tuvaria, was a wild and crime rampant country. Gangs of all kinds controlled the streets, and the president had no control, the army was corrupt, and the police were defunct. Tuvaria, which wanted to expand influence into former Defense Pact countries, opened communications with the Varatistani government to begin making steps to recovery. In 1793, the Tuvarian Army entered Varatistan with the goal of bringing back peace to the region through force. Gangs were rounded up, jailed, and soon enough executed through Tuvarian matters which angered Varatistani officials who believed the Tuvarians were trying to force their power into the countries...they were right somewhat but the people were grateful for the intervention. In 1794, the Tuvarian army was caught in a confrontation with the corrupt Varatistani Army in the western desert area of Varatistan which marked the first time a fight in that kind of terrain was fought by Tuvaria. It was a Tuvarian victory with the general being executed by pouring the hot sands into the mouth of the general until they choked to death. The execution was treated like a concerning escalation by the Varatistani's but was shrugged off since the cleansing of the crime ridden roads was fundamental for the rest of the country.
===== '''The Skavarian reaction''' =====
The exhausted and morale drained Skavari was less than excited about hearing the Tuvarian Army doing operations in Varatistan however, the Skavarian military did nothing to react to the possible resurgence in combat in fact, the generals refused to follow through with potential orders if they're given due to the exhaustion. Instead, a warning was sent to Tuvaria to not go past the humanitarian efforts in Varatistan and entering Skavarian territory would have severe consequences. The reply came quickly and pretty much said "Ok.".
Line 368 ⟶ 367:
By 1800, the Tuvarian army was able to execute and wipeout the main gangs in the country, but one remained in a stronghold north of the Capital City of Varatistan. The gang was referred to as the '''Freemen of Varatistan''' by their leader and were nefarious for their pillaging and murder campaigns. In January of 1800, a Tuvarian force of 700 entered the territory of the Freemen and opened with an ultimatum of peace and security of their members. The ultimatum was ignored, and shots were fired later that same day. The Tuvarians made quick work of the main force and entered the compound.
===== '''Inside the Compound''' =====
The Tuvarians commenced Close Quarters Combat using their bayonets while the Freemen were left using pistols and rifles from a distance. Casualties rose on both sides but the Tuvarians were able to make it farther into the compound. The leader of the Freemen '''Besim Manjagovic (1767 CE-1801 CE),''' was captured later into the conflict and was used to force a surrender where from then the rest of the defense was chained up and sent to the capital for execution. Besim was forced to watch his men have their skulls crushed in execution and would starve to death in prison on May 6th, 1801.
Line 387 ⟶ 386:
In 1818, The Aranistani side of Tuvarian government officially left their offices and sent a peaceful request for secession to the Tuvarian side of government. This first proposal was rejected and the Aranistani government would continue to be silent and astray.
===== '''The Second Attempt at Secession (1822 CE)''' =====
The Aranistani government went oddly silent after the first secession attempt and were hoping that a second attempt would be looked further into and could actually be successful. In 1821, another request was made and sent to the Tuvarians and was rejected to the dismay of the Aranistani's. In 1822, Third times the charm became the unofficial slogan for this attempt and finally it was accepted by the Tuvarians who said their full independence could be redeemed by 1824 if all goes well and good behavior is recognized.
Line 402 ⟶ 401:
The Tuvarian government since its beginnings had been a single party state with their candidates being elected from inside the party. Many wanted more space for new political ideologies that didn't line up with the current '''Tuvarian Peoples Party (TPP)''' which had very narrow beliefs that haven't been refined since the early 1700s. In 1826, a group of politicians who believed in a Tuvaria built upon the advancement of social and economic standards formed the '''Progressivist Party of Tuvaria (PPT)''' and became an official party in 1828. The party found a lack of popular support in people younger than 60 with the average age of their voters being 26 to 32 years old. In politics, the party was influential in getting bills like prison reformation and the banning of the Iron Crush in Tuvaria and gained great reception from the civilian life however, their colleagues in office grew a gradual disliking towards them which led to grudges and stubbornness stopping the passing of new bills. The TPP still held pride in being the majority however, by 1836, new statistics showed that by as early as 1844, the PPT would have dominant control over parliament and with the presidential election of 1840 coming, the new President could be a Progressivist, and members of the TPP hated the idea of such a scenario and a group of them made a sinister plan in the case it happens...
===== TheRed PresidentialStar ElectionLine of(1835) 1840 =====
''For more info go to [[Red Star Line]] for more.''
===== '''The Presidential Election of 1840''' =====
The dreaded Presidential Election of 1840 began with two main candidates coming up to the podiums. A rich politician by the name of '''Peter Kusanovic''' who was a member of the TPP, and '''Mikhail Misovna''' who was a progressivist member of PPT. Both early on in their campaign practically tied up the popularity polls and were both well-liked by their own factions of government. The full election was led with concerns mostly from the TPP with members questioning the politics after a new party is put in power, but many were not with that idea. A small group of about 14 politicians under a ringleader named '''Nikolai Valenska (1806 CE-1876 CE) (Val for short)''' formed the '''Syndicate of Val'''; a criminal secret police of sorts that specialized in suppressing opponents as hired to do sort of like a hitman agency.
Line 409 ⟶ 411:
Sadly, the election found Mikhail as winner and he was sworn in that same day.
====== '''The Assasination of Mikhail Misovna (1841 CE)''' ======
The new President was scheduled to brief Parliament in 1841 which would be the first full year of his term. The syndicate had grown in size after the TPP defeat with a membership of 36 but even with new membership, the plan remained. August 1st, 1841 would be the day Misovna would enter Parliament. Val selected '''Jaroslaw Bolshevich (1799 CE-1841 CE)''' to be the one who would carry out the plan and the worthy sacrifice for the Syndicate. The rest of the crew were armed with pocketknives in the case one of them get close enough to Jaroslaw to finish him off. Operation Contingency was a go for completion.
====== '''The day of the assassination''' ======
The day of the assassination was a busy one with the entirety of Parliament excitedly waiting for the appearance of a new leader; a Progressive one. The streets were full of people holding signs and celebrating a new time in Tuvarian politics. The members of SoV entered their positions at the middle of the large Parliamentary building with the 36 filling up the two rows. Val himself was at the front and sitting next to him was Jaroslaw whose gun was holstered inside his jacket pocket.
Line 419 ⟶ 421:
At 11:50 AM, the Syndicate members remove their coats and cover their faces and disappear into the crowd of hundreds who convened at the building after the attack occurred. The group would never be seen for the next weeks. Meanwhile across from the Parliament building, Misovna was resting in a medical bed at a small clinic with signs of severe damage to the ribs and a collapsed lung. Surgery was necessary to remove the musket ball from the lung cavity, but the surgery would be too costly and could kill the President. The President was declared dead at 12:20 PM on August 1st, 1841.
===== '''The Following Investigation (1841 CE)''' =====
The investigation began the day after the assassination at noon. The capital police ordered that all members of Parliament would recall back to the chambers to conduct a recreation of the moments before the shot was fired. All members were told to sit in their same seats which included the currently unknown Syndicate of Val whose members sat nervously during the proceedings of the recreation. The police had actors be in the place of Jaroslaw and the President to simulate the shot being fired. The members of Parliament who sat next to Jaroslaw were interrogated thoroughly as well because Jaroslaws abdomen was covered in injuries sustained from multiple stabbings which couldn't be done by one man alone since there was simply too many. Nikolai Valenska was the first to be interrogated at random. Police Reports post examination recalled him being '''''"Extremely Kind and full of horror"''''' as he was right next to where it all happened. If only they knew his dark secret. He was cleared by the police and the rest of the members who sat with him were interrogated. One member said he wanted to give up who planned it but waited for his lawyer. That same night, he was found dead in a back alley with multiple stab wounds. This piqued interest to the police and ramped up the investigation. New theories came up with many believing there was an inside job from inside the TPP which had a known grudge against the new party.
Line 428 ⟶ 430:
==== The TPP Internal Corruption Investigation (1842 CE-1846 CE) ====
After the assassination of Mikhail Misovna, blame for who conspired it fell to the Tuvarian Peoples Party which had known resentment of the Progressivist Party of Tuvaria. And, after two murders of TPP members who were calling out the so-called Syndicate of Val, it was clear that there were members of the party who were trying to silence the whistleblowers. An internal investigation of the party was initiated by the President using executive powers and Parliament was shut down for the full investigation. Records, past members, current members, and past controversies were all researched and documented for use in a trial of possible corrupt members. The Syndicate of Val which was veiled in a cover of mystery after its discovery, was discovered to be founded by the TPP in 1843. This bombshell shattered the integrity of the TPP and its public image which was found to be a good PR moment for PPT.
The investigation gained more steam in 1845 when multiple high up members of the Parliament were found to have a record of bribing election officials, paying hush money, and embezzling the State Bank. This of course enraged voters and voting officials, and other members of the Upper and Lower Houses alike. The investigation concluded in 1846 and declared that the members found guilty of career corruption were to be put on trial for the following years. The officials put on trial numbered nearly 46.
===== '''The TPP Corruption Trials (1847 CE-1850 CE)''' =====
The rest of 1846 was the planning period for this immense trial. Each member judging on how long and how much they did for the crimes of Corruption, Embezzlement, Bribery, and Purgery would receive a sentence from 40 to 50 years or life in prison. There were a few who were on trial that attempted to leave the country but were quickly found, sent back to Tuvaria, and put in jail for life just for trying to escape.
====== '''1847-1848''' ======
The first trial of 1847 began with to the shock of many: the Master of Parliament himself Mathias Prichevic. This trial was clearly the largest and purposely the jury was chosen by bias which meant they could get him behind bars no matter what he may say. He was charged with Corruption, Embezzlement, Bias (ironically), and Purgery and was given the maximum sentence.
In 1847 and 1848. 16 of the 46 incarcerated were found guilty of each crime and put to jail for life respectively. A standout trial was the trial of Nikolai Valenska aka the leader of the Syndicate of Val (no one knows it was him yet). When he went to the trial, his jury was oddly calm, and the judge was surprisingly kind to the cold face Nikolai. Nikolai looked emotionless on the outside but inside he was a nervous mess. The trial was amongst the longest and surprisingly he was found...not guilty. Now why was he found not guilty? Well, the Syndicate had grown beyond the party and the Judge was amongst the SoV. The Judge and Jury were all chosen to be SoV members to get a not guilty verdict and Valenska was back on the streets. This seems to be the only recorded case of internal corruption during a trial and the continuing trials had no cases alike to this one.
====== '''1849-1850''' ======
1849 and 1850 would see the remaining 30 on trial be sentenced to death in prison. These 30 were specifically put down to death because of their possible relation to events like the illegal persecution of Aranistani peoples, and the assassination of Mikhail Misovna which still lingered in the thoughts of many. Though this decision was deemed to be the most correct answer, many of course disapproved and called for their freedom. They were too late, and the 30 men were executed via Iron Crush (which was unbanned prior to the trial) in 1850 bringing an end to the Corruption Trials yet out of all of those killed, only two were part of the group that really did it.
==== The Reconstruction of Government (1851 CE-1866 CE) ====
The period after the prosecution of Parliament was a reconstruction of sorts. Policies and rules for members of government were reshaped, added, and removed. Bills were frozen in order to ease the process, and hundreds were laid off from positions until further notice. This would go on until 1866 when Parliament was recalled under President Kusanovic and the country was back at ease for the foreseeable future.
==== Gastovna and Sagrovna: the race for bolt action (1857 CE-1870 CE) ====
Over the past half a century, technology had advanced from muskets to a new kind of gun: the standalone rifle. The rifle used an early kind of modern bullet which proved to be superior over old Muskets. Sagrovna made this design as Sagrovna Model 1 rifle back in the 1820s but since then there have been many changes and the rifle was now classified as the Sagrovna S.01. Meanwhile up in Tuvaria, Gastovna arms struggled to keep up. They made their own modern rifle design, but the cheaper materials made it easier to break down meaning more maintenance was required per shot than originally predictions assumed. However, a new technology became available: Bolt Action and both sides wanted it. In 1860, '''Edward Gerisic (1842 CE-1906 CE)''' was an Aranistani Inventor who came to Sagrovna arms with a proposition to sell his bolt action rifle design. His design used the body of the S.01 rifle, a built-in magazine which would add more ammo use, the end of the barrel would funnel inwards, and new iron sights were designed for superior accuracy. He demonstrated his design in 1861 to multiple Sagrovna higher ups. The bolt action design revolutionized quickly reloading with Gerisic even setting a record for the country with a speed reload of 4 seconds. The ammo came in clips meaning that speed reloading could be done effectively and cause less wear and tear for the gun mechanisms and the loader. The rifle by Gerisic was named the '''Sagrovna S.02 "Gerisic Bolt Action"''' and entered limited service in 1866. Gastovna in usual fashion, copied the design and took creative liberties with some components and made the Gastovna R '68 in 1868. The Skavarian Armed Forces began mass service of the S.02 in 1869 and Tuvaria followed with the R '68 in 1870.
==== The future of warfare (1871 CE-1900 CE) ====
War had fundamentally changed. Cavalry had started to be phased out slowly by the Tuvarian army in favor of a larger infantry and more artillery. The Skavarian army and the rest of the states followed age old doctrines of speed over skill and quality over quantity to keep the steamroller going. This tactic was become derelict as new tactics like entrenchment and sector artillery could stagnate battles and obliterate entire battalions. Tuvarian Army Analyst '''Sygor Maximov (1840 CE-1912 CE)''' recalled saying quote:
'''''"The time of your fathers war where men would charge on the backs of horses, and cut down men with sabers has come to an end. Your time of war will be plagued with more destruction and attrition than any of our ancestors could ever imagine in any of their storybooks."'''''
This quote would be the motto for the next century which would bring more explosive change to the Almodarian region than any other time in recorded Almodarian history.
==== The five states at the end of the 1800s ====
Tuvaria through all of the struggle it weathered, came out on top as the most advanced state out of the 5 with more advancements in politics, education, and combat than any other could possibly manage in a century.
Skavari managed to keep their head down and their temper under control even in the moments where there could've been another final war. But their northern enemies were level and controlled and the Skavarians could see another century.
Aranistan could hardly make it through but with their independence secured, and the future of the people in their own hands, the best times are yet to come.
Almodor...did nothing.
And Varatistan through the moments where there was literally no central government, were able to find self control through Tuvaria.
=== Modern Era ===
The Modern Era has finally arrived. The century would be symbolized by the might of the Almodarian spirit and resilience with many tragic horrors coming in the future. Cars, planes, and even tanks went from foolish fantasies to reality, modern politics were realized, and a new enemy rose from the dusts of change and from the shadows of...death. Two brothers, one man, and the creation of the state we see today: Almodaria.
==== The Brzina Brothers ====
'''Victor Brzina (1870-1967) and Morgan Brzina (1870-1959)''' were born twins in the Tuvarian city of Vosvonia in 1870. They grew up in the final era of slow technological growth before the start of the new Technological Era. Victor was an extrovert and a great businessman; Morgan was a loner and an engineering savvy and the two had a dream to make it big during a highly lucrative moment in history. In 1895, the two brothers left their childhood home and moved their business to the capital of Tuvaria: Tuvaria. They were able to purchase a small storefront under the title '''''Brzina Brothers Co.''''' where they found practically no business. They had no real sales pitch they started out making watches which made the two some good money, then they moved to small appliances which found less popularity. This would be how it was until 1906 when Morgan made a design for something that had never been seen in Almodaria: an engine. The engine was relatively simple it was made up of a simple motor which was hooked up to the wall through a cable using the power supply from the house electrics, a gallon canister of water was used to cool the engine and would be hidden inside the casing amongst other things. Victor disapproved of the venture since there was no existing market for a motor engine but Morgan resisted and spent the next year constructing an engine.
===== '''Morgan and the Engine''' =====
Morgan as expected had many issues with his design. He was missing components which were (after revisions) necessary for the engine to run instead of exploding in his face. The combustion chamber needed to be redesigned, and he needed to engineer pistons into the engine to keep the motor running without power supply. Morgan would spend the rest of 1906 into 1907 making revisions for the engine. While this was going on, Victor was the sole person keeping their business running and the lights on which put strain on their relationship but nonetheless, Morgan continued day and night to get this to work. In 1907, Morgan went to an open field with his new engine prototype with Victor to do test runs without causing collateral damage in a failure. The engine was hooked up to a liter of gasoline which would be lit with a match to start combustion in the engine.
The two set up their experiment and morgan went to make the spark that would begin their experiment. Hooked up to a battery, Morgan charged up the engine and...there was a noise...a clunk to be exact. There was a clunk and then silence and after about 5 seconds of silence there was a sputter and a pop, and the pistons slowly began to move. Just before either of the brothers could celebrate, one of the starboard pistons with a loud pop, were blown out of the socket and shot into the tree above. Quickly, the combustion was stopped, and power was cut. The first run was a success and that was good enough for Morgan, however, the pessimistic Victor believed that this was a waste of materials that could instead be used for other ventures like watches, but Morgan was ready to continue.
In 1909, Morgan made another prototype which was much less volatile. By now, the two had gotten a lot of publicity for their "Magic Motor" which was still thought to be a feat of the imagination to go faster than a horse. Test two occurred where test one did only two years prior. Like last time, there was sputter and pop and then it crackled to life slowly this time since Morgan limited the throttle much more to prevent an overpressure and explosion. The engine ran for 6 seconds before sputtering and shutting down once again. Morgan was starting to prove that his motor could work and for the next four years he worked to complete the engine.
By 1913, the two had evolved quite a lot. Their business was booming, their stocks were rising, and Morgan completed the next prototype engine. This one had a large exhaust, 2 cylinders, and if it were to be on wheels it could reach a top of 12 miles per hour. Morgan returned to his test site and repeated his testing process and unlike the past two there was no sputter, crackle, nor a pop and it rose in pitch as he accelerated. The sound could be heard from the capital with some thinking it was military training and others thinking it was incoming lightning but to their surprise it was the Model 3 engine. The success was all over the newspaper the next day and investors were coming to the brothers with proposals for business. The two began work on a frame based on the already existing frame of carriages with a steel frame to hold the hefty engine up.
In 1914, the '''Brzina Motor Powered Carriage''' was presented to the public. It was an amazing feat that these two brothers could pull off such a feat of engineering in a country that has been known for copying other countries yet somehow, they did it.
===== '''The Success of the BMPC''' =====
Their vehicle was a major success with nearly 100 orders being made for the vehicle in 1914. The number of vehicles being needed led to the brothers purchasing a factory in the industrial district of Tuvaria and hiring nearly 85 employees to construct the motorized wagons. After production began, the brothers were richer than ever before, and Morgan patented the design on March 6, 1915. The government had gotten their eyes on the invention and sent undercover agents to purchase the vehicle for research purposes. Among other things, the vehicle could be lucrative in becoming the future of transportation in the military. The Brzina Brothers were greeted by government officials who wanted to make a deal where the two would be paid 60,000 Almodats a year to produce BMPC vehicles for the Tuvarian military. Victor was weary of the deal. What if they were swindled and had their rights for the invention taken? Morgan on the other hand was still blinded by the fame and the money and without Victor, he agreed to the deal on May 15, 1915. Victor was to say in laymans terms pissed off that Morgan left him out. In an attempt to get his name back in the deal, he went to the Tuvarian Army Affairs Office to get help. His questions were left unanswered and to his dismay, Morgan failed to be useful.
===== '''Brzina Military Endeavors''' =====
In 1916, the Tuvarian Government drew up concepts for an armored car. The car would be built around the Brzina BMPC with an upgraded frame, wheels, and design to carry 3-inch steel plates covering the entire vehicle leaving the top exposed with an Gastovna MG-06 being mounted on the front right passenger seat. Brzina was called to complete the job for a hefty payment of 100,000 Tuvanats (245,000 Almodats today). The brothers got to work with a group of other engineers to build the '''Brzina Armored Vehicle (BAV)'''. The task was difficult with the two brothers arguing over design details and the strain of having to make a design that has never been done before in the country as of yet. The government failed to do anything but supply and encourage the builders to keep going. In 1917, the first BAV prototype began worthiness trials. To say the trials were a massive failure would be an understatement with the car being unable to move half the time and at one point exploding after being revved up to even start moving which killed two test drivers. The Brzina Brothers were reprimanded and berated by the army higher ups and they returned to the drawing board. In June of 1917, the brothers refined the design with the old civilian engine being replaced with a bulkier water cooled, 4 piston engine which could go at a nice speed of...14 miles per hour on paved roads and 6 miles per hour off road. Trials resumed in July and this time no one died or exploded. The biggest issue now was with the machine gun due to the casings of the bullet which were shot out of the left side of the gun after they were fired, would burn the driver and gunner leaving 3rd degree burns. The BAV driver crewmembers were then given new uniforms which had extra padding and external heat protection, and goggles to protect the eyes. This proved to be somewhat more effective, and the behind schedule vehicle entered service in september of 1917. The BAV vehicle would be the grandfather of all future armored vehicles.
==== The sinking of TNN Dorsevic (August 8, 1915) ====
The Tuvarian Navy (TNN) was large to say the least...and rather mean. TNN was known for antagonizing Skavarian ships in neutral waters (between aranistan and almodor) where the Tuvarian crews would throw rocks or fire the main guns of their ships into the air to spook them. These events would end up in grand courts but usually ended with the Tuvarian ship getting a pass and the Skavarians rolling their eyes. One ship in particular was notorious for this behavior: TNN Dorsevic.
TNN Dorsevic was a cargo steamer built by the Tuvarian Government in 1889. The ship was commanded by Andrej Zivojin (1877-1915) since 1895. Zivojin was a seasoned captain and was destined to someday be promoted to an admiral but his track record of antagonization held him back from getting his promotion which he blamed on "Sissies in Parliament". On August 6th, the Dorsevic was planned to ship 3000 guns and 1700 pounds worth of various other military cargo from a port in Kunovec to the Skavarin port city of Neveno. The ship left for Skavari on the 6th and was never seen from the shoreline again. The crew onboard numbered around 145.
On August 8th after two days of smooth sailing, a submarine was detected about 12 miles starboard from the bow at around 11:43 AM by the ship's navigator Herald Stephenson (1880-1940). The ship was in neutral waters around Almodor and so the sub was ignored with the general belief being it was just on a basic patrol. The submarine was the SNN "Bandit" which was not on active duty at the time. The grand admiral of Skavari gave an order to all naval forces stating that any sign of antagonizing by the Tuvarians can be replied to with "Unforgivable Force" after years of bullying. At around 11:46 AM, a large explosion occurs in the starboard bow section of the ship just in front of Boilers 1 and 3 and smoke and fire rose from the ship. Immediately, the room begins flooding with gallons of water with there already being multiple casualties from the explosion with flames spreading from boiler 1 to 3. Some coal scoopers were sucked out of the ship by the water and drowned. Boilers 1 and 3 were abandoned and the boiler crew immediately shut the watertight compartment doors at 11:48 AM.
Zivojin held off from ordering an abandon ship order believing that the ship should be moved closer to the shoreline so emergency services could arrive quicker. With this order, boilers 2, 4, 5, and 6 continued burning. The ship moving as the fire and water came in only made the flooding worse and at 11:50 AM, the water overflowed and came over the top of the watertight bulkhead now flooding boilers 2 and 4. Finally, Zivojin orders to ship to go into a full stop and ordered for remaining boilers to stay active only to keep the lights on. The flames had spread from the underdecks up to D deck, which was made of mostly flammable materials, making the fire spread further through the starboard side. The smoke blocked the vision for those on the starboard decks and covered the lifeboats in impenetrable darkness. At 11:59 AM, the ship began to list starboard at to an angle of 6 degrees and finally Zivojin ordered an evacuation order and for Marconi operators to send distress signals to Aranistan, Almodor, and Tuvaria while excluding Skavari for political reasons. The waves slowly became choppier, and water began seeping onto the boat deck of the bow while the fire continued spreading from D deck to C deck. Men in the boiler room were up to their knees in water as they kept boilers 5 and 6 operating after abandoning 2 and 4. The list worsened from 6 degrees to 12 degrees. Lifeboat deployment on the port side was rushed as they needed to get men down from that side before it becomes impossible while on the Starboard side, sailors were being choked out by the black smoke billowing out. At 12:03 PM, the bow of the water was fully submerged, and water began rushing down the stairs all the way down through the decks into the boiler room over the top of boilers 5 and 6. The coal scoops went from being in knee deep water to hip deep water. Boilers 5 and 6 were then abandoned and sealed up with watertight doors as remaining coal scoops retreated to the stern of the ship to keep the generators running. The list worsened to 16 degrees and the remaining port lifeboats were abandoned as fire spread to the B deck. At 12:07 PM, the starboard boats were all released leaving nearly 66 men of the 145-crew trapped onboard. Of these 66, about 19 of them were trapped in the underdecks and many had drowned in the boilers tragically. At 12:10 PM, the water rose up from the bow up to the bridge from which it was abandoned by the officers. Zivojin was still onboard the ship in A deck collecting his belongings before he met the rest of the sailors on the stern. The list was so bad by 12:10 that the remaining crew were sliding off the ship and into the cold waters. Zivojin became trapped in A deck when the list reached 20 degrees and the water continued to rise. He was unable to escape and died in his quarters when the water reached him. By 12:15 PM, the power went out and the boiler crew were trapped in the pitch-black space where only the echoing sounds of screaming, water, and the ship creaking could be heard.
The view from the lifeboats was no better. Survivors recall seeing the large black cloud rising from the ship and could see the top of the boat from their location since the list was so bad. At 12:20 PM, the two funnels and masts broke off the ship and caused more damage to the floundering vessel. At last, the distress signals sent by the Marconi Operators were picked up by the Tuvarian navy at 12:35 PM. The navy sent out the frigate TNN Oluja to pick up the crew. Meanwhile, the remaining crew on the Dorsevic were holding on for dear life. Some lifeboats got close to the ship to pick up survivors who fell off but the currents caused by the ship going down and the smoke rendered them useless. At 12:46 PM, the ship was at nearly a 90-degree angle on its side and the deck was still burning when suddenly, a boom was heard from under the water. The boom after the investigation was found to be an air pocket that popped under the pressure which caused new holes to form in the hull and at 12:49 PM, the bow separated from the Stern and sunk to the bottom of the sea. The stern fell with a crash on its side and almost immediately continued falling into the deep and fell under at 12:57 PM with two similar booms occurring in the stern section with cargo sliding out of the fallen wreck and later scattering along the sea floor...the Dorsevic was lost. Shortly after the stern went under, the Oluja arrived at 1:07 PM and the horrors came to an end. Of the 145 crew, only 43 survived the disaster.
===== '''The investigation into the sinking of TNN Dorsevic (1915-1916)''' =====
The government, families, and many others involved wanted answers to the crash. The navy formed the '''Dorsevic Sinking Investigation Board (DSIB)''' in September of 1915 to examine the events following up to the crash. Herald Stephenson, whom was the first person to see the '''SNN Bandit''' testified in front of Parliament, the DSIB, the press, and other state officials on his accounts. He recalled the Bandit loitering in place with its painted #3 facing the Dorsevic and how the captain denied the threat from the ship knowing it would be very stupid for the Skavarians to make a physical attack on just a simple cargo ship. Stephenson recalled seeing the sub sink under the surface moments before the following explosion suggesting that the SSN Bandit could've perpetrated the attack. The news of a Skavarian attack on Tuvaria made headlines nationwide and soon reached the other states as well. At first, the Skavarian government denied any involvement with the possible attack and sinking and said that they had investigated the situation and found "No viable leads". This was led with suspicion from DSIB who had the two surviving coal scoops testify in front of Parliament for what happened leading up to the explosion. The first scoop, Niko Razic, was stationed at Boiler 1. During his testimony, he recalled there being no signs of boiler damage or anything out of the ordinary that could've caused the boiler to explode and said that the explosion blasted through the hull from the outside meaning the Boiler couldn't be the source of the issue and had to be an outside attack.
The Skavarian Naval Board finally caved in in 1916 and admitted that there was an order to fire on the ship if it is antagonizing the crew. However, the ship wasn't antagonizing which means the crew of SNN Bandit were liable for the deaths of 102 sailors. The crew were accounted for and sent to Tuvaria to go on trial from which they were found guilty of multiple counts of murder and attacks on naval vessels and the crew would spend the rest of their lives in prison. Many including Dorsevic crew family members and sinking survivors called for military retaliation on Skavari for vengeance for lost loved ones, but the threat of another war was not to be messed with and both sides sadly stayed neutral. The family members and survivors of TNN Dorsevic were paid 80,000 Tuvanats (236,435 Almodats today) for the losses and a memorial was built in 1917 in the city of Kunovec.
==== Almodarian Tank Development (1918-1923) ====
Worldwide, vehicles with heavy steel armor and large cannons had just entered existence. The Tuvarians, who were the most powerful state out of the other 4, had already developed an Armored Car, but a tank would require some new engineering. Just like last time, the Brzina Motor Vehicle Co., were called in by the government to begin designing an armored vehicle with a cannon and as strong as a fortress on wheels. The brothers had no previous experience with treaded vehicles and so had many roadblocks starting in 1916. In 1918, Victor Brzina was conducting a tour of the Brzina Automotive factories in Tuvaria. When he noticed the design of their conveyor belts. The belt used multiple small wheels and two large ones at each end to keep the belt rotating continuously. He took the design plans for the belt and brought it with him to copy down the design with Morgan and the team they were assigned with. The design was tinkered with until 1919, when they added two conveyors with added grips and rigidity onto the frame of the BAV the two made in years previous. The design was able to propel the car relatively well with a hefty speed of 5 miles per hour. The BAV used was melted down and rebuilt with tons of 15-inch steel beams and plates made with ship grade rivets like the ones used on RAR Oceanic and Nautilus. A 10 Millimeter cannon was mounted at the front with four MG-10 Machine Guns on either side. A massive 150 hp engine powered the beast and it entered trials in 1920. The beast as it was named could clear trenches using a curved piece of metal on the rear, fire a 10 mm round through 6 inches of concrete, and could level entire fortifications. The best the Skavarians had was hardly able to do half of these things. The tank was officially named the Mark-I Armored Tank (MAT) and entered service in 1923. This new level of technology cemented Brzina as the number 1 military contractor.
Skavari, which was mentioned earlier, had "Tanks" which were just beefed-up armored cars with machine gun ports on each side of the vehicle. These tanks were sold to Aranistan (Varatistan and Almodor were neutral still). Tuvaria disagreed with the tank distribution but were reminded that they aren't in charge of Aranistan anymore.
==== The rise of Communism (1919-1924) ====
After the Great War, many countries of the world pointed towards communism to fix economic issues during their reconstructions. Tuvaria nor Skavari were involved in the conflict, but the influence reached the two either way. The lower classes of the five states were being oppressed and abused by their governments and had less restrictions to basic human needs because of their wealth. So, when communism came to the region in 1919, the poor had a new opportunity to seize power. Through the great power of lobbying, a powerful group from some of the worst slums in Tuvaria were able to form the '''''Socialists Party of Tuvaria (Socijalistička partija Tuvarije)''''' in 1921. Though they existed in parliament, they were unpopular with the rich '''TPP''' and '''PPT''' parties governing currently, the head of the '''SPT''' was '''Josip Leonova (1880-1954)''' who published writings on Communist Beliefs since the 1910s. He'd grown his public image to such an extent that now he had proper influence in the ongoings of government. In 1924, he was elected to Master of Parliament which was the highest role in Parliament under the President making him and his party more powerful than even the majority parties.
In Aranistan, Communism became the thing with the country having a history of being dreadfully poor and in need of a new hope for the people. At first, the pro Tuvarian democratic government had consolidated power over the Aranistani Communes but quickly, the government lost power as the people revolted against them and quickly causing order to collapse. In order to prevent full anarchy, the Democratic government abdicated in 1923 and in 1924, the Federal Republic of Aranistan became the '''''Socialists Republic of Aranistan (Socijalistička Republika Aranistan)'''''. The response from their neighbors was negative with the Tuvarians and Skavarians reprimanding the new government and the radical changes it took from the classic way of order that has been in effect since the fall of the United Kingdoms. The leader of SRA, '''''Ajdin Sastinovna (1886-1978)''''' called their responses "Childlike at best" and life continued as usual. SPT leader, Josip Leonova supported the new communist nation and would continue to call for support of the SRA in Parliament.
==== Nothing interesting in the 1930s through 1950s ====
more may come in the future though.
==== Viktor Yurichenko's rise to power (1977-1990) ====
Viktor Yurichenko (1945-2003) was born in a small home in Tuvaria on July 19, 1945. His upbringing was less than fortunate with his father being an abusive drunk and his mother being out of the picture after his birth. At school, he was regularly bullied and tormented by Aranistani children and over time, he grew a resentment towards the Aranistani peoples. Instead of becoming a radical as expected, he used his anger to fuel his political goals and concepts for Tuvarian peoples. In 1965, Viktor Yurichenko became the youngest man in Almodarian history to enter an office at the age of 20 as a foreign diplomat for Tuvaria and Phoenixia. He started to grow a following as his political power became stronger in the public. Many times, he would go to Parliament and would give loud and powerful speeches to the majority Tuvarian Parliament to stir up their beliefs in Tuvarian Supremacy and Ultranationalism. The Communists in Tuvaria and the Aranistani and Skavarian parliament members called out Yurichenko as a "Deranged Fear hatemonger." But this didn't phase him or his plans to gain more power. In 1977, Yurichenko with members of the TPP Party, made a plan to implant agents into neighboring Aranistan, Almodor, and Skavari to get political support pro Tuvarian for future endeavors.
In 1978, Ajdin Sastinova of the Socialists Republic of Aranistan mysteriously died of a heart attack induced by a "Bad Medicine Intake" for his heart problems. It would be later figured out that Yurichenko had him poisoned and killed prior to the election for a Master of Parliament. Once Ajdin was dead, the communist party fell apart and Aranistan came under command of a Regional Welfare Council. In the same year, Yurichenko became Master of Parliament in a landslide vote with nearly 92% of the votes saying yes to Yurichenko. Tuvaria's lack of restraints for the Master of Parliament gave way for Yurichenko to pretty much do as he pleased. He started by disbanding the Communists party after fabricating false evidence of political corruption and voting blockage. He then removed the Progressivists Party which returned Tuvaria to a one-party democracy. The presidential election was coming quick and by 1985, the 40-year-old madlad was consolidating power in Parliament. His close friend, [[James Ackerman]], helped gain support for Yurichenko who at the 1986 pre-election poll, had a whopping 89% support percentage compared to his competitors. Everything was going according to plan and in 1986...Yurichenko became the President of Tuvaria...
==== The United Republic of Almodarian States (1990-2002) ====
The years between 1986 and 1990 were hectic to say the least. In 1988, Yurichenko disbanded the Tuvarian Parliament in favor of a cabinet full of his close supporters to control the whole country, he shutdown multiple government owned projects and Aranistani owned businesses including some of the largest in the country. The borders of the country were tightened, and military spending skyrocketed whilst spending for the people became less and less. Remember those agents Yurichenko implanted into neighboring countries? Well as the plan was expected, they managed to infiltrate their governments and get pro Yurichenkoists into office and concepts for a "Newly United Almodaria" were drawn up. In 1989, Yurichenko finally got rid of the electoral system and in a large rally declared himself "President for Life". In 1990, a referendum was sent to the neighboring 4 states. It suggested a united country under a single banner under the renewed name of [[the United Republic of Almodarian States]] where each state will get limited autonomy on decisions but all refer to Yurichenko as their leader.
Results as expected were mixed. Varatistan were one of the firsts to accept unity on January 22, 1990, after years of their own political turmoil. Skavari at first denied their entrance into the union, Aranistan joined quickly on March 6, 1990, Almodor followed on June 18, 1990, and lastly, Skavari finally joined the United Republic of Almodarian States on August 25, 1990. Yurichenko had accomplished his mission, but it was only the beginning of his Fascist Reign...
Starting in 1991, the Yurichenko Regime made a new supreme law entitled the "Greater Almodaria Policy" which cut off all ties and foreign relations including the centuries long Phoenixian-Trgovina Trade Company and its important shipping route in order to make a single great Almodaria made by Almodarians for Almodarians. In the early years of his reign, he had a lot of public support and people continued their lives as they did years prior but by 1994, everything got just a bit worse when Yurichenko made a law enforcing conscription for kids as young as 16. Many refused to join their service and so the police would take them away to concentration camps made in the Jezero Valley where they would never be heard from again.
As the 20th Century transitioned into the 21st, tensions began to rise in the country between disheveled countrymen and the iron gauntlet that was the central government. Boycotts, walkouts, and riots became common as the divided nation continued to become more broken. In 1999 on the eve of 2000, Yurichenko established a 7 PM Curfew to prevent further disrepair from being made in central sections of the nation. And as soon as 2000 came around, the powder keg had blown, Factions across Tuvaria and other constituent states went up in arms against the government, beginning the bloody Almodarian Civil War.
==== The Almodarian Civil War (2000-2002) ====
See the full war at the following [[The Almodarian Civil War|hyperlink]]
==== Reconstruction and Reformation (2003-2006) ====
Following the surrender of government forces in 2002, the now at peace country was barely scraping along. The newly reformed junta government of Almodaria began to disagree with each other internally almost immediately, many inside of the military rankings called for the entire Almodarian state to be dissolved believing a united nation would be impossible after 3 million people died over preserving unity.
== Etymology ==
Line 477 ⟶ 588:
=== Sports ===
Almodaria is big on soccer and has its own national soccer team the '''[[Almodaria National Football Team|Almodarian National Football Team]]''' or the '''"Apex Reds"''' since the national animal is the red tiger. They formed in 1990 with the foundation of the URAS but were barred from international competition by Yurichenko and the hermit government and were relegated down to club scale games. After the Civil War, the team was disbanded from 2003 to 2006 as the country rebuilt and returned in 2007 still playing club level. In 2013, the Galaxy Stadium was completed and is the largest stadium in Almodaria and has since been home to ANFT.
=== Religion ===
Line 484 ⟶ 595:
==== Prostorism ====
Prostorism is an Almodarian Religion that has been around for nearly 2 thousand years. It was originally banned during the Kingdom of North Almodar era but was reinstated as an official religion in Skavari during the Early Modern Period. Since then, the religion has dwindled in popularity extremely and has been deemed a folk religion in underground churches.
=== Astronomy ===
During the Skavarian Golden Period/renaissance, the concept of planets and stars became more popular to the public especially scientists of the time. The expansion of perception of what is space became the goal of many astronomers of the time in Skavari with the first categorizations of stars being documented in 1660 CE.
=== Ethnic Relations ===
==== Tuvarian-Aranistani Relations ====
For hundreds of years now, the Tuvarian thought has been that the Aranistani people are part of a lesser Tuvarian population which the Aranistani people deny and believe that the Tuvarians are bloodthirsty vampires who feed off of the weak links. Tuvarians have always targeted Aranistani peoples in persecutions, genocides, and famines. To the south, the Skavarian government condemned Tuvarian actions and all the way to today, they still believe that the Tuvarians are fear mongers and treacherous peoples which can be backed up by history.
==== Skavarian-Aranistan Relations ====
Skavarians are more morally just than their northern neighbors but still treat Aranistani's like black sheep who need protection all the time in order to prevent catastrophe. Of course, the Aranistani's don't like this viewpoint in the slightest and still give Skavari the side eye but look for help when the chance appears.
==== Varatistani-Almodorian Relations with Everyone ====
The Varatistani's like the Almodorians are pretty much void from domestic politics and ethnic relations. Varatistan is close with Skavari but they're looked away from because of their undesirable location in the most barren piece of the country. Almodor on the other hand is just...forgotten as it is easily confused with Aranistan and has an almost even mix of Tuvarians and Skavarians in its land making it "Grey Area".
==== Skavarian-Tuvarian Relations ====
For as long as recorded history, the two polar opposite peoples have been at each others necks for years. When Yurichenko entered control in 1990, Skavari was one of the most suspicious and concerned out of the 5 and had to be persuaded into joining the United Republic of Almodarian States. The two have been rocky and continue to be at each others necks with some shops in Skavari barring off people with Tuvarian ancestry or are Tuvarian which is unconstitutional but manages to still exist.
== Economy ==
Line 491 ⟶ 619:
Almodarian states began overseas trade with Tuvaria in the 1750s. Tuvaria in need of an economic boost, opened up trade with the Kingdom of Arafors (now known as phoenixia) in a co trade company entitled '''Phoenixia and Trgovina Trade Company (PTTC).''' The trade route continues to be the most important trade route in Almodaria and is a big boost for the economy.
==== Fishing ====
Skavari since prehistoric times, has been an important scene for fishing. The fish in the area are abundant when it is warmest and go for high prices when caught fresh from the ocean but are also grown in containment in big fish farms in Skavari for cheaper prices. Fish is one of the biggest foods in the country and are part of what is sold in PTTC bringing back high yields of money in the form of Almodats.
Line 502 ⟶ 630:
=== Brzina Motor Vehicles ===
'''Brzina Motor Vehicles (BMV)''' is a vehicle manufacturing corporation founded in 1903 in Tuvaria by the two brothers '''Victor and Morgan Brzina''' and has since been the #1 government owned manufacturer of vehicles in the country. BMV have also made vehicles such as the AA-10 Striker due to the company being a Military Contractor and also own the production lines the massive A-20 Apex tank runs on!
=== Aerospace ===
==== Almodarian Air ====
Since the first Almodarian made plane in 1915, The air industry has expanded from just small one-seater wooden planes, to full on jets. Almodarian Air was founded in 1966 as an international flying airline made specifically for the 5 states as is why it was named Almodarian Air. The airline racks in millions of Almodats a year and one of their smaller passenger jets were modified for the Dictator Yurichenko in 1996 for his personal use.
===== Controversies =====
The company had its most disturbing setback when in 1992, an Almodarian Air flight numbered Flight-206 encountered a hydraulic failure in the left wing. The left wing completely shut down and the loss of control sent the plane into a rolling nosedive. The wings soon were torn off by the sheer force and the front fuselage tore away from the plane at nearly 22,000 feet. The rear end of the plane fell into a flat spin and collided with the ground a 3 minutes later while the front of the fuselage would crash shortly after outside of the town of Ivanograd.
The following yearlong investigation found that a faulty valve which was damaged by poor maintenance, froze up and blocked the Hydraulic power that kept the left wing in control. The company was forced to pay nearly 10 million Almodats to family members and flights would resume in 1993.
==== Possible Space Program? ====
During the 1970s and 80s, a board was made in Tuvaria in 1979 known as the Tuvarian Board for Endeavor's in Space (TBES). They specified in making concepts and designs of what a possible Almodarian mission to reach the vacuum of space could look like. The board was ordered to be as cheap as possible but not dirt cheap and designs were made for a 15-foot Solid Rocket Motored Multistage Vehicle (SRMMV) in 1984. The design would encompass the use of 4 stages each getting smaller in smaller as they rose higher into the atmosphere but wouldn't be orbit capable. The SRMMV vehicle donned the new name '''''Svemirski letač (Space Flyer)''''' unofficially. In 1990, the Yurichenko Regime canned the project and shut down TBES but kept their members to continue missile development for the army. Currently as of January 2024, a launch vehicle under the LRLV (Long Range Launch Vehicle) program is under construction after a futurist deal made it possible for funding to be split.
=== Red Star Line ===
''For more info, go to page [[Red Star Line]]''
Red Star Line is the premier ocean transportation company in Almodaria. Founded in Tuvaria, the line has been known for safe and speedy delivery of both cargo and passengers to many different countries and continents in Urth. Red Star Line is famous for the [[RAR Oceanic|'''RAR Oceanic''']] which is the largest Almodarian ship ever made (in partnership with [[Phoenixia]]).
== Geography ==
Almodaria is made up of many different types of land from arid and dry deserts to beautiful beaches. Almodaria has nearly 367 rivers and around 100 lakes littering the landscape with many artificial lakes in the mostly desert Varatistan. The forests in Central and Northern Almodaria can cover hundreds of acres and sadly are filled with debris and destruction that stay as memories of a brutal war that devastated the land and the country.
=== Rivers and Lakes ===
As mentioned above, Almodaria has a small number of lakes and rivers with only 367 rivers and around 100 marked lakes. They are spread through all of the states except for Varatistan which is too hot and dry to sustain lakes or rivers.
==== Bilosiva River ====
The '''''Bilosiva River''''' is the longest lake in Almodaria spanning from the top of Tuvaria down to a delta in Aranistan. The river famously was the site where Milorad Dorsevic was killed in action and has always been under government protection against vandals and poachers. The river is colored green because of its high algae and bacteria count and ends in the famous Bilosiva Falls which has a 15-foot drop. Many come to the waterfall for a nice swim.
[[File:BilosivaRiverFalls.jpg|left|thumb|The Bilosiva River Falls are a popular spot for tourists who want to swim in the cool waters.]]
==== Lake Jezero ====
[[File:LakeJezeroValley.jpg|thumb|The Jezero Valley holds Lake Jezero and has some of the most stunning views in Aranistan.]]
'''''Lake Jezero''''' quite literally translates to '''''"Lake Lake"''''' making it the most uncreative of all Almodarian marked lakes. It isn't the largest nor deepest but has some of the clearest water and best views than other lakes and is a hotspot for water sports like tubing and water skiing. It is found in Aranistan not too far from the capital making it a great vacation spot if you want to go from Jezero to Aranistan (Capital). The lake itself is actually sorrounded by deep forest and high mountains giving it the nickname of "the Mystery Lake" because from a distance it's a mystery of where it is.
=== Landforms ===
==== Planinska polja ====
[[File:PlaninskaPolja.jpg|left|thumb|Planinska Polja has a lack of wildlife but is home to the largest mountains in Almodaria and low rolling clouds.]]
Planinska Polja translates to "Mountain Fields" named after the landscape in the area. Planinska is surrounded by dry mountains and greenish yellow grass fills the field. It is located in Western Almodaria and goes between Tuvaria and Aranistan and is part of the Almodarian Subregion the West Highlands which is the most mountainous area of the country and is a popular hiking location for its big peaks but not so steep climbs. The area acts as a natural border between southwest Tuvaria and Aranistan and the area is home to the largest mountain Almodaria '''''Mount Visoka tačka'' (High Point)''' at an elevation of 7,430 feet. The exact length of Planinska Polja is 6 miles and a width of 4 miles.
== Military ==
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[[File:AlmodarianMilitary.jpg|thumb|Almodarian National Army members participating in April Combat Drills. The Army is trained for any kind of attack on any kind of terrain although the equipment in use has been around for decades.]]
=== Ground Forces ===
[[File:AlexanderCherkasy.jpg|left|thumb|Alexander Cherkasy (1958-Present) is the Commander of all Ground Forces in Almodaria since the 1970s.]]
The '''Ground Forces of Almodaria''' is the largest branch out of all military groups with 76,000 active personnel and 180,000 in reserves. Conscription laws require each Almodarian man to serve in the army for 8 years when they turn 18 which has kept the army alive with fresh recruits and veterans with highest ranking officials being mostly veterans from the civil war. Although spending is high, the civil war and restrictions from the 90s left the ground forces with ancient tanks from the 70s and 80s while development of new weaponry came to a halt. Due to the lack of advancement in technology, Almodarian forces rely on heavy hitting advances and artillery shelling in concentrated areas in order to wipe the enemy off the map or decimate their forces in seconds. Intelligence from drones and spy planes is given to the ground forces so they can keep going with the shock attacks. Soldiers are trained in CQC and close quarters fights in neighborhoods and cities.
Line 517 ⟶ 683:
====== Sagrovna S.80 ======
The Sagrovna S.80 is the main rifle used by the National Army of Almodaria foot soldiers and infantry. It encompasses the use of a strong bipod allowing bunkered down soldiers to compensate for recoil and have better shots on incoming attackers. Its heavy design makes it more strenuous to carry but lowers the amount of natural recoil. It has been in use since the 1970s by all 5 states.
===== Semi-automatic rifles =====
====== Sagrovna S.38 ======
The Sagrovna S.38 is a marksman rifle used by NAA/AFA snipers in the field. The design is essentially the S.80 with only Semi Auto capabilities, a magnified scope, and a shortened magazine. This Rifle has been deemed a "Citizen Killer" because as the name suggests, its use in the Almodarian Civil War was mainly for snipers wanting to take civilian lives to add to the death toll and are still favored by NAA snipers to this day.
=== Subdivisions ===
Line 527 ⟶ 695:
The Universal Artillery covers all Artillery used in the ground forces. out of the 76,000 active personnel, 26,000 are part of the Artillery branch and of the 180,000 reserves, 45,000 are part of the branch. The main artillery armament in service is the AT-500 150mm howitzer which was first in service with the armies of multiple states prior to uniting and a replacement, the AT-500XL is in development. Smaller artillery for close range is also in use with the AT-350 and the AT-400 50mm howitzers which are also ancient.
==== Armored Forces of Almodaria ====
[[File:R (1) T-62 tank from online search.jpg|left|thumb|The A-20A Main Battle Tank participating in April Military Exercises. The A variant uses weak improvised armor to lessen the impact of explosives, and tank fire. ]][[File:BVP М80А VS.jpg|thumb|The AIV-80 IFV sitting in a lot outside of Vorka in an undisclosed military facility.]]
The Armored Forces of Almodaria are the second largest group in the army with 21,000 members in active Personnel. Armored Forces make up a big chunk of the brute force that makes up the entire army and works in cooperation with Universal Artillery. The MBT that makes up most of '''AFA''' is the '''A-20 Apex''' which was originally developed as a joint project between free Tuvaria and free Varatistan in the 1960s. The '''AFA''' is also made up of Anti Infantry Vehicles such as the '''AIV-80''' which was developed in the mid 90s but didn't have service in the civil war due to it still being in range testing and experimentation (lack of funds also left it abandoned in the late 90s). '''AIV-80''' has a 20mm A-55 cannon and an AT-18 "Predator" ATGM capable of firing two missiles. Below is a list of prominent vehicles and weaponry in AFA.
Line 553 ⟶ 721:
===== FK-3 Hawk =====
[[File:Mirage 2000C in-flight 2 (cropped).jpg|left|thumb|The FK-3 Hawk over Almodarian Airspace during flight trials in 20122002.]]
FK-3 Hawk is the new Multirole fighter for NAFDA which began service in 20122004. This is the first Almodarian jet to use a fully glass cockpit and digital displays, a lighter airframe makes the aircraft supermaneuverable and dominant to other Almodarian jets, and it can be armed with the new SR-T3 AGM and the SA-T2 AAM making it extremely modular.
===== IK-1 Lightning =====
Line 563 ⟶ 731:
==== Ground Equipment and Weaponry ====
[[File:AA-10Striker.jpg|left|thumb|The main ground to air Armament used by NAFDA. Its versatile design allows it to be used almost anywhere except water.]]
===== AA-10 Striker =====
The AA-10 Striker is an Anti-Air Armored Vehicle used by NAFDA and the rest of the armed forces. It is the most versatile anti-air vehicle in service currently and has been in service since 1987. Striker carries 4 missiles that use heat tracking to lock onto a target however, they can be dodged with the use of flares.
Line 574 ⟶ 742:
==== AS-07 Arrow ====
[[File:AS-07Arrow.jpg|left|thumb|The AS-07 is the most powerful SPH in the AFA/AAF and has been in use in all states since the 70s. Picture taken during the April Military drills of 2021.]]
The AS-07 Arrow is a huge Self-Propelled Cannon used by the '''AFA''' for artillery operations mainly sieges. The gun has one of the highest calibers in service at a whopping 203 MM. It entered service in Skavari in 1976 and joined the rest of the AFA in 1990. It was used during the siege of Tuvaria in the Almodarian civil war and continues to be in service today.
