Alksearia: Difference between revisions

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On a cold January night in 1837, members of the Councils of both the Duchy of Eastern Alksearia and the Grand Duchy Western Alksearia met. This first meeting was supposed to come to a compromise over the use of the use of the Southern Channel as it had started to become a popular trade area. During this meeting, the idea of a united Alksearia started to float around. The idea died down after this trade meeting, but came back in 1838 when the Grand Duchy of Western Alksearia started to have extreme internal stability issues. The leader, Grand Duke Alphonse III, had been an unpopular leader for some time, and the head of the Tamors decided it was time to go against the Grand Duke. The Grand Duke begged the Duke of Eastern Alksearia, Duke Eldras III, to support him in his Civil War. Although Duke Eldras never sent any men to fight, he did send monetary and equipment aid. When the dust settle, the head of the Tamors, Grand Duke
=== The First Kingdom(18401792-ish-18801870) ===
<nowiki>*</nowiki>AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA* Idk something new guys
Following The First Succession War, Eldras III
=== The Republic of Alksearia(18801870-18901880) ===
No more Kings! Supreme Minister ftw!!
=== The Interregnum and Civil War(18901880-18921882) ===
Ooops, no head government. Pew Pew! Fighting time!
=== The Second Kingdom(18921882-2020) ===
Oh look, we good again.
Moderators, verified
