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→‎The Monarchy: more politics changes
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(→‎The Monarchy: more politics changes)
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===The Monarchy===
While the Monarchy has served with absolute power since the founding of the kingdom, Eldras VI revised the system to become more of a Constitutional Monarchy. The Monarchy retained Foreign Affairs powers, and retained the ability to veto laws coming out of the Parliament. The Crown also serves as the secondary head of the Executive Branch of Alksearia, sharing this power with the Prime Minister. While the Crown does not handle governing powers (as that is the job of the Prime Minister), the Crown does retain the right to disband the Parliament in the event that the Parliament:
a) commits a crime against the Crown
b) the government has fallen and a new election needs to be handled
c) the Parliament is commits a high crime against the Crown.
While the Crown has the power appoint any person they want as a diplomat to another nation, the Crown has a small Foreign Affairs Committee comprised of 5 sitting members of the General Assembly. King Eldras VI used this briefly when nominating Dorothea to be diplomat to both Norgsveldet and New Leganes, and when he created the position of Ambassador to the UCA. Dorothea has yet to use the committee for naming new ambassadors and diplomats, but she hasn't named any new Diplomats or ambassadors and the General Assembly is currently in a special election.
===The Parliament===
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====The General Assembly====
[[File:KOA General Assembly.svg|thumb|300px|left|The composition of The General Assembly as of August 2020: (parties from left to right) <br /><br />'''Government:'''<br /> Liberal Alksearia: 290 seats<br /> '''Official Opposition:'''<br /> Monarchist Party: 126 seats <br />'''Other Opposition:'''<br /> Nationalist Party: 118 seats <br /> Independent: 1 seat]]
The General Assembly is the lower house of the Parliament, and is the seat of the Government is formed. Each member of the General Assembly represents a district in Alksearia and are elected to a 5 year term. There are currently 535 Members of Parliament in the General Assembly. The General Assembly has the power to introduce and enact laws. A simple majority is required for all laws to pass. The Crown has the ability to veto any law passed by the General Assembly, but the General Assembly can override the veto by voting with 2/3rds majority after the post-veto. In the event a treaty is submitted to the General Assembly, it requires the approval of both the General Assembly and the Senate to pass. The Senate has advisory powers to all laws enacted by the General Assembly, but they don't usually kick it back to the General Assembly unless it impedes on Noble Rights. The General Assembly and the Senate help to formulate a budget for the fiscal year.
The General Assembly rarely has all 535 members sitting in session at the same time. All MPs are required to be in the Assembly Chamber during an Opening Session, a Closing session, a Voting session, and a Special Session. Most meetings outside of those sessions happen within Committees or Conferences. All MPs are required to be a member at least one Committee and one Conference, and they are not allowed to be in more than 3 Committees and 3 Conferences. A sitting Chair is not allowed to sit as a member of the Cabinet of the Prime Minister.
The current ruling Party, Liberal Alksearia, has a majority in the General Assembly with 290 seats after an election in late July. They held onto this majority until 15th October 2020, when the government fell with the arrest of Matthias Barbet, and the leadership of Liberal Alksearia unable to reach a decision on a new leader. There is a special election that will happen on the 9th January 2021, but final official results won't be in until 12th January, 2021. So far, the plurality of seats will go to Liberal-Democrats with the Nationalists coming in with the second most seats.
The General Assembly also has the power to confirm the Prime Minister's nominations to cabinet positions. While it is not required that member as of the Cabinet be from the ruling Party, it has been observed that all members of the Cabinet have been from the Ruling Party. PM Matthias Barbet was once asked why he never considered an opposition member for a Cabinet position, and he simple said, "It is my job to lead a nation, and the only one I know who will help me are members of my party. We have the votes and we hold the majority. I do not need the Opposition poisoning the Government."
While the government is formed by the majority, the Opposition forms the Shadow Government. Being a Shadow Minister does not give any addition power to an MP. The leader of the Shadow Government is the Leader of the Opposition. During the previous session, the Leader of the Opposition was [[David Pernet]] of the Monarchist Party. The Deputy Leader of the Opposition is [[Fabien Morel]] from the Nationalist Party. The Shadow Government was formed as a coalition against Liberal Alksearia and the "radical changes they sought to bring to our Kingdom, and to push back against the slander of the Monarchy." The Shadow government was given a chance to form a full government on 16th October 2020, however, the proposal died on the floor when Liberal Alksearia voted unanimously against the motion of a Minority government.
The current ruling Party, [[Liberal Alksearia]], hasheld a majority of seats in the General Assembly with 290 seats after an election in late July 2020. They held onto this majority until 15th October 2020, when the government fell with the arrest of Matthias Barbet, and the leadership of Liberal Alksearia unable to reach a decision on a new leader. ThereOn is16th aOctober special2020, electionLiberal thatAlksearia willvoted happenagainst ona theproposal 9thto Januaryform 2021,a butMinority finalhold-over officialgovernment resultsthat won'twould be incontrolled untilby 12ththe January, 2021Opposition. SoWith farthe rejection of this proposal, the pluralityrole of seatscaretaker willGovernment gowas handed to Liberal-Democrats with the NationalistsPresident comingof inthe withSenate and the secondCouncil mostof seatsthe Senate.
A special election will happen on 9th January 2021, but final official results won't be in until 12th January, 2021. As of 6th January 2021, the polls suggest a plurality of seats will go to Liberal-Democrats with the Nationalists having the second most amount of seats in the General Assembly.
====The Senate ====
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Lords/Ladies are appointed by the Crown and confirmed on by the General Assembly. There is no limit to the amount of appointed nobles allowed in the Senate. Lords/Ladies serve lifetime terms upon confirmation, or until the Crown removes them from their seat.
The Senate is presided over by the President of the Senate
Moderators, verified
