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}}Akuanism is a religion which originated in [[Nystatiszna]] and in [[Borea|Central Borea]]. Scholars sometimes call its practitioners ''Akuanist'', although adherents rarely use that term themselves preferring to calling themselves cultists or memberfollower of the cult of Akuaway. There is no central authority in control of Akuanism and much diversity exists among practitioners.
Akuanism is polytheistic and revolves around the worship of ''Akua''spirits theknown spiritas or Goddess that watches over intelligence lifeBrandisen and inhabitsthe tavernsVodkaniate. ''Spirits''The Brandisen in Akuainstthe Akuanist tradition are supernatural entities believed to inhabit all things. TheIncluding link between the Spiritsmanufactured and thesapient-created naturalobjects worldor hasplaces. led to AkuanismExample being consideredthe animisticsapient-made andlake pantheistic.of TheNy'amberock latterwhich arehost staffedover bydozen priests,spirits known asin it''[[brewmasters]]'',s whoshrine. overseeVodkaniate offeringsis ofreserved foodfor andincredible beerpowerful spirits or alegods, toexample cultists. This is done to cultivate harmony betweenbeing the cultistreligion andnamesake Akua andwho toprotects solicither thechildren Akua('s'sapients''), blessingadventurers, asexplorers Akuaand lovesthe herGoddess templeswho totaught bethe more akinsapients to a Tavern or a community center than a traditional religious buildingworship. Other common rituals include drunkard revelry, rites of passage, celebratory debauchery and seasonal festivals.
The link between the Spirits and the natural world has led to Akuanism being considered animistic and pantheistic. The religion is staffed by priests and priestess, known as ''[[brewmasters]]'', who oversee offerings of food and beer or ale to cultists. This is done to cultivate harmony between the cultist and Akua and to solicit the Akua's blessing, as Akua loves her temples to be more akin to a Tavern or a community center than a traditional religious building. Other common rituals include drunkard revelry, rites of passage, celebratory debauchery and seasonal festivals.
This isn't to say that Akua is solo worshiped in Akuanism. As a majority of shrines are for other spirits than Akua. These shrines of other spirits to be supplied religious paraphernalia such as amulets, coins, incense and prayer sheets to earn favor or give respects the spirit. Akua does acknowledge the exist of other gods/goddess but refuses to name them, as she is a petty goddess. Akuanism does not emphasize specific moral codes although it places a major conceptual focus on family/friendships and community, largely by practices such as bar craws and "adventuring."
The goddess Akua is deeply intwined with many of the creation myths to the point she's known as the goddess of life. Nearly all stories of the creation of sapients have the goddess as the main character or is told from only from her perspective. Usually the stories make use of Akua's thinking machines to create a harem of the first Urthians or Akua accidentally creating Urthians by some other means. Akua became the name-sake of the religion mostly by miscommunication and misinterpretation as adventurers go forth to explore established shrines to the goddess where ever they roamed. Making Akua's shrines and myths the most widespread across all of Akuanism all together. While majority of shrines in Akuanism isn't for Akua, she does have the most shrines directly worshiping her. The shrines of other spirits to be supplied religious paraphernalia such as amulets, coins, incense and prayer sheets to earn favor or give respects the spirit. Akuanism does not emphasize specific moral codes although it places a major conceptual focus on family/friendships and community, largely by practices such as bar craws and "adventuring."
Akuanism has doesn't have an official specific doctrinal book rather it has a collection of stories and myths, with a widely diverse range of local and regional forms with their own myths.
Akuanism has doesn't have an official specific doctrinal book rather it has a collection of stories and myths, with a widely diverse range of local and regional forms with their own myths.
During the Naylorbrookisza control of the Nystatiszna (1900 to 1944), Nystatiszna's nationalist leadership attempted to separate Akuanism from other religions that it syncretism.
== Beliefs ==
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==== ''Akua'' ====
'''Akua''' is considered to be above all other spirits and consider to be the primary goddess that "protects" sapient life. WhileThe it'sgoddess is known thatto therebe areextremely otherpetty godsto orthose goddesswho thatattempt protectto intelligencetake lifeattention away from her in her "holy" places. As a result, Akuanismit's byconsidered traditionto hasbe leavedeep theseinsult to say names areof other Vodkaniate (but not allowedBrandisen) toin beher shrine. saidUsually allowedresulting in Akuabeing cursed with bad luck until one performs the necessary cleansing ritual. While she's temples.the Thecreator goddessof islife knownfor tothe beUrthians, extremelyalmost pettyuniformly toin thoseall who(early) attemptmyths towhere takeshe attentionwas awaycalled frommother. herShe inreacts hernegatively, often pointing at Freyrmama as a more suitable "holymother" placesfigure for children. As a result, majority of creation myths or stories about motherhood often cite both Akua and Freyrmama as mother to the Urthians. With several stories of creating making use both Freyrmama and Akua as joint creators as a married couple.
==== ''Freyrmama'' ====
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