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==== Midwinter ====
Midwinter is a 10 day long festival in which cultists cook various lavish dishes and drink their finest alcohol stock with their neighbor. It was roots in Western Borean customs but Naylorbrookisza decided to adopt this custom as part of her attempt to unify the Akuan faith. It's held after the end of very Earlymun and lasts for ten days before Yearmun starts.
==== Taming of the Plow ====
[3rd of Iilymum]/[March 1st]
Celebration of the various spirits of Agriculture, farmers and the goddess Freyrmama. Festivities include spray water at each mask wearing participants. Masks depict various spirits of Agriculture such as Gyllenhøst or Ullgjeter. Spraying water on the masks symbolizes watering the crops and honoring the spirits. Honoring the spirits meaning it will be a good harvest later down the line.
Ranchers or people who work in the animal husbandry industry wear ears of the animals they work with made from wool. As a way to give thanks to the creatures they work with. They serve "luxury" meals to their animals, usually a mixture of the animal feed with spices and blessed by the brewmasters.
Farmers and other greenhands wear necklaces made from straw, wild plants and seeds.
Farmers and ranchers are celebrated throughout the day. Parades of farmers, ranchers, mask-wearing participants and gift bearing brewmasters march throughout the town squares. Brewmasters toss sweets wrapped in cloth bags towards children in the parade.
During the morning, before the sun has risen when the spirits are first awakened. Brewmasters and participants gather around the local shrine or temple, then travel to each ranch and farm performing rites on each of the steads. To appease the spirits and provide wellness to the nature around the area.
Midday the parade takes place and a massive dinner takes place in the local temple or shrine. Providing for the whole community with hot meals and cold drinks. While it's not required for farmers to eat first, it is tradition that agricultural workers eat first.
In the evening, games and dances take place. Children play games to win prizes and sweets. Rows of street food vendor's sprawl across the carnival, side by side with the gaming booths and the dance platform is in the center of the festival.
== Shrine Architecture ==