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'''Akuan Socialism''' or officially called [[Naylorbrookisza|Naylor]]'s Reformed Doctrine of [[Akuanism]], is a off-shoot of [[Martovism]] and some limited inspiration from [[Theocratic Socialism|Clerical Communism]] developed by [[Naylorbrookisza]], leader of [[Nystatiszna|Akuan People's Republic of Nystatiszna]]. To create and realize a socialist revolution in a agricultural, pre-industrial and Akuan majority society of Free Borean Commonwealth (''Modern Day [[Nystatiszna]]''). The philosophical differences between [[Martovism]] and Akuan Socialism, is Naylorbrookiszna doesn't hold the view that the proletariat are all not inheritable pure in spirit as most proletariats do not come from a 'true' collectivist and classless society; [[Martovism]] being too soft-handed with executions of counter revolutions and enemies of the spirit of the revolution as Akuan Socialism, not including true enemies of the revolution such as anti-socialists cultures; While both ideologies believe in the mass executions of clergy members, Akuan Socialism rejects the point rather stating Akuan brewmasters prove the existence of the socialist spirit by being elected rather than assigned and all other religions clergy exist to suppress it; and finally, all cultures and nations have a spirit with them. All these cultural and national spirits are guilty of capitalism, save the Akuan ones who through the the naturally forming classness collectiveness and being oppressed maintained their purity and guiltiness.
'''Akuan Socialism''' or officially called [[Naylorbrookisza|Naylor]]'s Reformed Doctrine of [[Akuanism]], is a off-shoot of [[Martovism]] and some limited inspiration from [[Theocratic Socialism|Clerical Communism]] developed by [[Naylorbrookisza]], leader of [[Nystatiszna|Akuan People's Republic of Nystatiszna]]. The Borean dictator, [[Naylorbrookisza]] was a former [[Martovism]] before her time in [[Borea]] where she formed Akuan Socialism and reformed [[Akuanism|Akuan]] form. She rejected traditional forms of socialism outright, and in furthering that regard stating [[Martovism]] was close but incorrect in several elements such as worker spirits being universal 'pure' and good. Akuan Socialism put forward that only Akuan cultures and ethnicities can ever be truly collectivist therefore socialist and that only [[Akuanism]] is spiritually pure. Naylor's reformed doctrine, push forward for modernization of [[Akuanism]], but aggressively against the secularistic nature of the progressive-side of [[Akuan Democracy]]. The socialist doctrine establishes a state-run Shrine Association, to enforce a single doctrine of [[Akuanism]] and single form of [[Nys'tat'en]]. In addition to class-base spiritualism, in another change to [[Martovism]]. Akuan Socialists believe that all cultures and nations have a natural spirit within them. Everyone of the spirits are guilty of capitalism or crimes against the spirits and [[Akuanism]]. Akuan cultures and nations' spirits are not only naturally forming classless structures but any negative action, is not due out of naturally forming by culture but rather a 'scarification' by imperialism and the former Akuan slave trade.

Part of Akuan Socialism, the belief that [[Borea]] is a sacred homeland of [[Akuanism]] and calls upon all Akuanists to support the cause of Borean Unification under a Akuan Socialist State. It promotes a idealized socialist version of Akuan history, culture and civilizations. In additionally Akuan Socialism, has a reformed [[Nys'tat'en]], usually this gets mistaken as Nystatinne Nys'tat'en. The form of Socialism, also argues for a rejuvenation of [[Borea]] by removal of 'colonizing' and the non-Akuan groups from the homeland or at the minimal heavily suppress them. For Akuan Socialist nations outside of [[Borea]], the ideology purports that those nations should act as supporters, in manpower, training and in economic to the development of the heartland of [[Akuanism]]. As for the case if Borea is united under Akuan Socialism, the new country would be blessed by the high spirits and the [[Borea]] spiritual wellbeing will become, both as the spirit of the land itself and the smaller spirits of nature. Thus the united Akuan Socialist Borea state would become a superpower and would smite everyone who has wronged Akuanists in the past.

Regardless of the form of [[Akuanism]], Akuan Socialism is repeatedly denounced and reject as a form of Akuanism. As in the universally accepted view that Akuan Socialism not only rejects critical parts of Akuanism, and is built on hatred rather than love of life that Akuan based on. Akuan Socialism being built on anti-democratic and hierarchical structures only furthering proving the point of Akuan scholars. Even in a more confusing for Scholars of [[Akuanism]], being Akuan Socialism promotes and encourages forced conversions into Akuanism not only as a religion but as a cultural monolith. Which [[Akuanism]] at it core, is incredibly difficult to convert into and as a cultural incredibly spread out and diverse. The largest aspect of disagreement that Akuan Socialism is Akuan, is violence aspect which directly goes against [[Akuanism]].
Regardless of the form of [[Akuanism]], Akuan Socialism is repeatedly denounced and reject as a form of Akuanism. As in the universally accepted view that Akuan Socialism not only rejects critical parts of Akuanism, and is built on hatred rather than love of life that Akuan based on. Akuan Socialism being built on anti-democratic and hierarchical structures only furthering proving the point of Akuan scholars. Even in a more confusing for Scholars of [[Akuanism]], being Akuan Socialism promotes and encourages forced conversions into Akuanism not only as a religion but as a cultural monolith. Which [[Akuanism]] at it core, is incredibly difficult to convert into and as a cultural incredibly spread out and diverse. The largest aspect of disagreement that Akuan Socialism is Akuan, is violence aspect which directly goes against [[Akuanism]].