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'''Akuan Democracy''', also referred to as a '''Akuan Traditionalism''''','' '''Political Akuanism''' but is often more refered to as '''Akuan Democracy''' is a ideology that attempts to apply [[Akuanism|Akuanist]] traditions and values onto political forum and governance of a state. Akuan Democracy has been applied many countries throughout history however in the modern day the number of Akuan Democracy is greatly limited compared to it's previous historic standing. Some historians dispute the claim that pervious Akuan countries was Akuan Democracy, rather preserving it as a proto-Akuan Democracy state, with arguing that true Akuan Democracy didn't come into existence until the late 15th century to early 16th century.
'''Akuan Democracy''', also referred to as a '''Political Akuanism''' is a broad political ideology that attempts to inspired by [[Akuanism|Akuan]] traditions and values into realm of politics. It appeared out of some time late 15th century or early 16th century, though term wasn't applied until the late 19th century during independent movement. Some historians dispute the claim, either side of them believing it is older or it only came about in the 19th century. Akuan Democracy, has been heavily changed over time regardless of side of the historic debate. Akuan Democracy often mistakenly gets called a socialist ideology or another far-left ideology due to its own Akuan view on capitalism and materialism. Modern Akuan Democracy primary draws from Norgsveltian-Akuanism, but later gained ground with the other forms of [[Akuanism]] across the world.

Attempts to place Akuan Democracy on a left-right political spectrum has been difficult to pinpoint, as Akuan Democrats reject liberal economics, individualism, advocate for state intervention and cooperativization of businesses. While simultaneously being zealously against centralized governments, incorporation of Brewmasters into government, religious law and incorporation of religious teachings into the education system. Socially, they're to the left or far-left on social issues with the exception of abortion where they are considered to be right-wing to far-right. Economically, due to [[Akuan Finance]] and Akuan labour beliefs, they tend to prefer cooperatives or communal ownership of businesses though they're not expressly opposed to private ownership. Akuanists treating work as a important form of worship, as such worship being communal activity it tracks from a Akuan perspective though this is heavily overly simplified.
Critics of the ideology often cited it as a weak form of governance unable to stand up against more centralized and aggressive ideologies, which can easily prey on them.

Akuan Democracy played a critical role in decolonization within [[Norgsveldet|Norgsveltian]] colonies, and other former majority-Akuan colonies. Several Akuan parties still being a key part of various grouping and governments, such as [[Ymirland]] and [[Hvaloaszna]]. Akuan Democracy continues to be influential within [[Novaris]] and [[Yasteria]], as well other parts of the world. In the [[North Concordian Economic Forum]], Akuan parties formed the Religious Progressive League and the political group of Progressive and Akuan Group. Most Akuan Democracy parties joined the [[International Red Union]] alliance of political parties.

== History ==
== History ==