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However during the [[Norgsveldet#First Norgsveltian Empire (1624-1754)|First Norgsveltian Empire]] the attitude and stereotypes towards Akuanists shifted to primary negative outlooked supported by the government. Deportations to colonies was extremely common, primary due to repeated difficulties with converting Akuanists leading to frustration within the government. The stereotypes evolved again, driven by the Colonial Office to picture the Akuanists as a "naive, genial and soft spirited" in need of the Norgsveltian "warrior spirit, strength and stoicism." More-so many of the traditional Akuan customs was seen as weakness or lack strength, such as cleanliness, irrelevance to personal wealth or reputation, non-violence and complete disregard for traditional Norgsveltian gender roles and heterosexuality normatively. The collective nature of the Akuanists led to increasing strife, with Norgsveltian propaganda referred Akuanists as worker bees and Norgsveltians as bears, that will destroy their hives.
However during the [[Norgsveldet#First Norgsveltian Empire (1624-1754)|First Norgsveltian Empire]] the attitude and stereotypes towards Akuanists shifted to primary negative outlooked supported by the government. Deportations to colonies was extremely common, primary due to repeated difficulties with converting Akuanists leading to frustration within the government. The stereotypes evolved again, driven by the Colonial Office to picture the Akuanists as a "naive, genial and soft spirited" in need of the Norgsveltian "warrior spirit, strength and stoicism." More-so many of the traditional Akuan customs was seen as weakness or lack strength, such as cleanliness, irrelevance to personal wealth or reputation, non-violence and complete disregard for traditional Norgsveltian gender roles and heterosexuality normatively. The collective nature of the Akuanists led to increasing strife, with Norgsveltian propaganda referred Akuanists as worker bees and Norgsveltians as bears, that will destroy their hives.

==== Settlers Attitude towards Akuan Natives ====
==== Settlers Attitude towards Akuan Community ====
Norgsveltian settlers in former Akuan lands, tend to be far more hostile and negative compared to the colonial office. Rather than the forced assimilation or segregation, pushed forward by the colonial office. Majority of settlers strived more for extermination outright of Akuanist peoples. The exception being [[Vakrestrender]] being founded by Akuanists and other religious deportees. [[Ymirland]] and [[Hvaloaszna]] being the prime examples of settler attitude towards the community of Akuanists, pogroms supported by settler leaders and occasionally ignored by colonial government. Over the decades, the colonial office aligns more towards settler point of view, with the outbreak of the [[Great War]] the colonial office while not being as extreme as the settlers. The office became support or became compliant towards the settlers' various initiatives of extermination.

The driving force of the settler mindset, was speciesm towards Kemonomimi and believing [[Akuanism]] promoted a miasma of weakness, adultery and inferiority. There was many components of the anti-[[Akuanism]] and conspiracies going along with them. One of the largest conspiracies being Akuanists was promoting diseases as 'revenge' towards Norgsveltians, blaming the various illnesses that affected almost exclusively was in Norgsveltian settlements and parts of town. Later investigations by the Secretary Office of the Royal Family proved the conspiracy false, the Akuan cultural and religious practices such as boiling water, focus on cleaning oneself after work and various other rituals that promoted cleanliness discourage diseases from spreading in their communities. Conspiracies against Akuanists was rampant across all the colonies save [[Vakrestrender]].
==== Norgsveltian Colonial Office policy towards Akuan Natives ====

==== Norgsveltian Colonial Office policy towards Akuan Natives and Akuan Deportees ====

==== Akuanists within Mainland Norgsveldet ====

=== Great War and the Akuan View ===
=== Great War and the Akuan View ===