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== Sectors of the Economy ==
=== Energy ===
The largest source of energy source in Aikkian is hydroelectricity, which is primarily drawn from the Sumac river that runs through the country. The Kingdom has made significant investments in environmentally friendly energy sources since the 1960s and expanded its energy goals to include more windmills and solar energy plants across the country by the 1980s. The government fell short of the objective by a large margin and did not achieve its goal until the 2000s.
Overall, Aikthudr’zhur remains carbon-neutral and is a net sink for greenhouse gasses. The Kingdom transitioned to electric vehicles starting in 2011, and by 2022 virtually all cars and public transit vehicles run on renewable energy. Aikthudr’zhur imports negligible amounts of oil for specific industrial uses.
=== Agriculture ===
Aikkian agriculture is primarily made up of forestry, animal husbandry(including sheep and goats) and wheat farming.
Forests are heavily protected by the government, and a minimal level of forest cover is enshrined in the constitution. Despite this, the timber industry remains important and its products are utilized for construction and furniture crafting within the Kingdom.
Animal husbandry in the Kingdom is mostly centered around sheep, which are raised principally for their meat, milk and most importantly wool. The wool industry is heavily subsidized by the government. The sector is also tightly restricted due to government limits on land clearing, and as a result it enjoys only limited growth compared to other countries.
Wheat and other food staples are subsidized by the government in order to maintain low food prices. While farming contributes relatively little to the national economy, it continues to hold cultural importance and is the center of many inland communities.
Fishing is the primary domestic food source. Salmon, tuna and shrimp are fished from the Norsian Sea. While the majority of food consumed in the country comes from imports, the fishing sector still provides a large percentage of the Kingdom’s diet..
=== Industry ===
Heavy industry is under tight regulations from the government and primarily consists of construction and other woodcrafts that utilize the nation’s timber. The construction industry is a comparatively large sector, particularly as the traditional Aikkian house is made out of wooden materials that must be replaced every 40 years.
The textile industry has historically been crippled by the legacy of Cryrian imperialism, which forced the Kingdom to import textiles from abroad. This persisted until 1904 when agreements with Queen Katharine allowed for the construction of domestic industry in exchange for soldiers to fight the Great War. To make up for lost time the government subsidized the creation of textile factories in Highdrilian starting in the 1930s. The textile industry is currently the only one which has exemptions from government environmental regulations.
The furniture industry also plays a central role to the economy. It largely outputs traditional handcrafted products made from recycled local materials that do not go to the construction industry.
=== Services ===
==== Tourism ====
Tourism is a huge sector of the Aikkian economy, and attracts a considerable sum of international tourists each year.
Aikthudr'zhur is rich with diverse natural attractions. Due to the government green policies and planning, virtually all of these are unspoiled by industry and largely affordable to foreigners.
The top Akkian tourist destinations are the Singing Forest, Crenel Swamp, Floria Gardens and the H.H Puffer Cenotes.
=== Foreign Trade ===
[[Cryria]] - Despite a complicated relationship stemming from the colonial period, Aikthudr'zhur retains numerous economic links to Leidenstad. Cryria remains an important producer of renewable energy technology, and as such has played an important role in Aikthudr'zhur’s energy sector. Aikthudr'zhur is also an important customer for Cryrian electric vehicle manufacturers and imports significant amounts of machinery from Cryrian producers. Aikkian woodcrafts remain popular within Cryria, and Aikthudr'zhur is a common vacation destination for Cryrian tourists. Both the trade deficit and the impacts of tourism in Aikthudr'zhur remain a source of domestic controversy.