Älemsi Negdel: Difference between revisions

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=== Great War and Aftermath ===
While the Älemsi Khaganate did not formally enter the war, Älemsi auxiliaries served extensively with Cryrian forces on various fronts. These formations would prove important upon their return to Älemsi, as they provided an experienced and unified Älemsi force which had extensive experience from years of modern warfare. The weakening of the Cryrian state due to the war had further sent the Kingdom's regional influence into terminal decline, and rising Älemsi nationalism created pressure for a truly independent Älemsi state. Faced with this situation, the Yul of Yul, previously a figurehead, declared the end of the Khaganate andwith the support of his newly formed armed cadres. The Yul further called for a Grand Mazhilis of all Älemsi peoples to gather in Amrakh Gazarvh and form a new government.
Simultaneously, in exchange for assurances regarding its economic interests, the Kingdom of Cryria agreed to end its military presence in Älemsi and to hold referendums in Älemsi-majority regions of the Duchy of Tynam. These referendums took place separately on the Ay-populated islands of Baltu, Kalle, and Juha, and included options for union with Älemsi, the status quo, and autonomy. Surprisingly, all three voted for the third option, an outcome largely attributed to both the Ay's violent history with their other Älemsi neighbors, close economic ties to Tynam, and ongoing disputes with various Älemsi polities. In order to avoid a more serious dispute, Cryria agreed to forgive loans previously granted to the Älemsi government in exchange for firm recognition of the new status quo. This ended much of the economic leverage held by Leidenstad over Älemsi, and ensured that the newly formed Älemsi Negdel could chart a genuinely independent course.
== Geography, Climate, and Wildlife ==
Älemsi Negdel mostly consists of one massive central island located north of Novaris. Its coastline is filled with large fjords, bays, and peninsulas, and the majority of the country lies above 60 degrees north. The country is notorious for its cold weather and brutal winters. Much of the interior is dominated by the flat, unforested grassland known as the Älemsi Steppe.
The only sizable settlements are located along the jagged coasts, while the steppes are populated by groups of subsistence herders and nomadic tribes.
