Intelligence agencies of Packilvania

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There are four intelligence agencies in Packilvania and one quasi-intelligence agency. They were all formally established after 1985 when the Bedonite dynasty reestablished a Paxist monarchy in the country. However, these agencies draw from and integrated the intelligence agencies of the Packilvanian Communist Party and Carriers of Mercy.

History and context

During the reign of the Demirite dynasty , there was one intelligence agency. The Imperial Secret Service was established by the Decree of Sultan Jahel to consolidate and collect intelligence in the country to ensure national security. Many of its functions had previously been integrated with those of the Imperial Constubalry which at the time functioned as a law enforcement body as well.

The Imperial Secret Service also had the function of protecting the Demir dynasty as well. When the Demir dynasty then under Zerah Demir IV was overthrown by the Packilvanian Communist Party the under Gideon Muktan, the Imperial Secret Service was disbanded. Many of its agents were executed as accomplices of the Demir dynasty. The destruction of this agency was fuelled by the fact that it was primarily controlled by Hominines and perpetrated racially oriented abuses against the Feline population.

The Packilvanian People's Liberation Army, then the armed wing of the Communist Party had an intelligence department. For some years after the fall of the Demir and the proclamation of the People's Republic of Packilvania, that intelligence department had both military and civilian functions. Over time, it was ceded from the PPLA into an independent organisation. It was then fragmented into several bodies which were given multiple functions. Due to the size and numerosity of these agencies they also often overlapped and vied for political influence due to their proximity to political leaders and factions in the party.

The agencies were often pitted against each other by the state to prevent them from working together to overthrow the party or to give one faction of the party to much power. This made them blind to and inept in responding to the formation of the Carriers of Mercy and unravelling to true intentions of Amhoud I to overthrow the party. Furthermore, he was backed by one of the state's quasi-intelligence bodies which enabled his forces to have a fighting chance against the Communist Party. The Communist Party fought against the Carriers of Mercy for years until they were defeated.

The new government of Packilvania established one military intelligence agency and another 2 civilian intelligence agencies and one paramilitary force with limited intelligence functions geared towards different elements of the state's security policy. They subsumed and integrated substantial parts of the previous agencies. Potentially dangerous and subversive elements were taken out however many agents retained their posts under the command of new officials and under a new system.

Cyber and Telecommunications Security Agency

The Cyber and Telecommunications Security Agency (Packilvanian: luAjhensiya aluMaskhan aluSibar nadine luTalasat, AMASITA) was established in 2014 by the Cyber and Telecommunications Act passed by the Parliament of Packilvania and signed by Sultan of Packilvania Namdun III. It was formed from the Cyber and Telecommunications Division of the older Packilvanian State Security Agency.

Its purpose is to protect the Packilvanian Internet and telecommunications infrastructure and services from national security threats, to identify and eliminate national security threats that emanate from or through the Internet and telecommunications services, and to prevent internal security threats using the Internet.

This entails blocking unauthorised content from entering or leaving the Packilvanian Internet. This includes blocking websites and mobile applications that the government does not approve of. Further, it censors information that threatens the security of the states. Moreover, it conducts surveillance on the people and builds profiles of the population using information from the Internet especially search engines and social media websites.

It also monitors foreign Internet services and Internet enabled technology for potentially malicious software especially when used by institutions of high national security importance such as energy, water, transport services and government agencies. It also prevents and stops the infiltration of the Packilvanian telecommunications services by foreign agents.

On top of these functions, it also identifies people and entities using the Internet to coordinate and implement threats against the government. It is meant to protect the Internet from internal threats such as hackers etc. Including developing tools for monitoring people's Web history, it also maintains the government's CCTV surveillance network and has developed artificial intelligence with facial and car recognition capabilities to identify people and vehicles for national security reasons.

It does have the ability to arrest people, or shut down or suspend Internet and telecommunications services. But it tends to make a distinction between crime and national security concerns. Thus, if it identifies criminal activity, it will report that activity to the police. It only intervenes directly if it feels that the government is threatened or that an attack on the people might ensue.

State Security Agency

The Packilvanian State Security Agency (Packilvanian: luAjhensiya luMaskhan luMamlukim aBakhilfaniya, AMAMABA) is the civilian intelligence agency of Packilvania.

When the Packilvanian Communist Party ceded control of the government to the Carriers of Mercy, the Bedonite dynasty gained control of the state security apparatus. The newly established Parliament of Packilvania disbanded the intelligence agencies of the Packilvanian Communist Party and the Carriers of Mercy. The Packilvanian State Security Agency was established by the passage of the State Security Act (luKhanon aluMaskhan aluMamlukim) signed by Sultan Amhoud I.

The first Director (muSharif) was Eron Dohal who had previously served as the Head of Intelligence of the Carriers of Mercy and the Deputy Commissioner for Reeducation and Indoctrination under the Communist government. He was responsible for laying the foundations of the processes, systems and structures that exist in and form the scaffolding of the organisation. In its nascence, the PSSA's primary objective was to secure the position of the Bedonite dynasty and eliminate threats to their rule.

The purpose of the organisation is to ensure domestic stability, and to protect the state from security threats. Its functions include collecting, processing, analysing, and disseminating intelligence to protect the nation from security threats. Its focus is on sapient intelligence gathering. It focuses largely on guarding domestic civilian infrastructure, strategic resources, institutions and officials. This is in contrast with the Packilvanian Military Intelligence Agency which fulfils this function for the Packilvanian Armed Forces to magnify its capabilities in combat scenarios and to protect the military from external Threats. It also contrasts with the Packilvanian Expeditionary Forces which is a paramilitary force responsible for carrying out espionage, sabotage and reconnaissance on foreign targets.

The PSSA is under Council of Ministers via the Department of State Security, a civilian national executive department controlled by the incumbent Minister of State Security, Prince Lohadek. It is responsible for extracting intelligence from people, documents and physical evidence. It does not fulfil the functions of law enforcement, whose role is to ensure compliance with the law. Furthermore, its power over the Internet and surveillance technology has been directed to the Cyber and Telecommunications Security Agency of Packilvania.

Military Intelligence Agency

The Packilvanian Military Intelligence Agency' (luAjhensiya aleSirun LeKharish aBakhilfaniya, ASIKHA) is a military intelligence agency under the Department of Defence. It is responsible for collecting and analysing intelligence information for the Packilvanian Armed Forces (HAKHABA) to aid them in both combat and non-combat scenarios. Furthermore, it is responsible for protecting HAKHABA systems such as networks, data storage and computing devices from enemy infiltration.

It is responsible for collecting on potential threats within the military such as sedition and reporting them to the Department of Defence. The Military Intelligence Agency is not formally part of the HAKHABA. Its members are not usually drawn from the active military neither are its internal systems integrated with the military. This is because its function is not just to provide the military with intelligence but to surveil and collect reconnaissance on the military to ensure that the military remains subservient to the civilian government.

The military intelligence agency operates military intelligence satellites and telescopes and other facilities and infrastructure which collect information on foreign targets of military value. Its satellites are not allowed to have a view over Packilvanian territory as only the satellites of the Cyber and Telecommunications Security Agency have that power. Again, this is to prevent the Military Intelligence Against from using its assets against the country. Intelligence of military value originating from domestic sources is collected by AMASITA or AMAMABA and sent to ASIKHA.

Expeditionary Force

The Packilvanian Expeditionary Forces (luHagan luVekhter aBakhikfaniya, HAVEBA) is a paramilitary organisation under the Department of Foreign Affairs. The purpose of the HAVEBA, is to protect the country from foreign threats and advance the country's foreign security agenda. It is not fully an intelligence agency but it has some intelligence functions.

It is responsible for training, arming, supporting and managing foreign non-state armed combatants who align with or support Packilvania's geostrategic interests. It is also responsible for assassinating foreign leaders and other people who post a threat to Packilvania. Furthermore, it is responsible for the destruction and sabotage of facilities, institutions, property and assets that enable threats to the country.

Foreign Intelligence Agency

The Packilvanian Foreign Intelligence Agency (luAjhensiya aleSirun leZayeen aBakhilfaniya, ASIZA) is the civilian foreign intelligence agency of Packilvania under the Department of Foreign Affairs. The Agency was formed from the secession of the Foreign Intelligence Department of the Packilvanian Expeditionary Forces via the Foreign Intelligence Act (lukhanon aleSirun leZayeen) in 2013 as signed by Sultan Namdun III.

Part of the reasoning for this was that HAVEBA had too many responsibilities and its attention need to focus. Based on leaked memoirs from the Council of Ministers of Packilvania was that the government feared that the Expeditionary Forces were getting to powerful and their operations were becoming increasingly opaque even from the Minister of Foreign Affairs because they controlled their internal intelligence. The second reason was that because the HAVEBA was being sanctioned as a terrorist organization by a larger number of nations, it was coming under increased scrutiny and stifling its intelligence gathering capabilities. THUS, ASIZA was formed.

The formation of ASIZA allowed the government to expand the country's foreign intelligence gathering capabilities. Its role includes gathering intelligence from foreign sources such as people, documents, computers and telecommunications networks etc. It is does this by intercepting foreign communicatuons, penetrating foreign systems, implanting agents into foreign bodies and entities and using that intelligence to determine whether there are threats emanating from foreign sources that aim to undermine and threaten the country. Some of its roles might seem to overlap with AMASITA. The difference is that AMASITA deals with foreign threats once they have entered Packilvanian territory while ASIZA does it before the threat has reached Packilvania.