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The Sultanate of Dabiristan, commonly known as Dabiristan, is a Islamic Theocratic Absolute Monarchy in Unistan, Valsora. The nation shares borders with Dancia to the East, Aseraistan to the North-East, Battawa to the South and Aradia to the West.

Dabiristan is a absolute monarchy, with the Sultan making all final decisions but taking advice from his ministers which advice him on his decisions. The Sultan acts as the head of state. The capitol is Maham City, the cultural heart of Dabiristan and one of the most economically strong city's. Maham City has an population of 25 million as of 2031. The largest city is Al-Khusumah, with an population of 34 million as of 2030. Other major city's in Dabiristan include: Behbavrik, Al Badaweeiyah, Madadad, Adam City and Dabir City.

Dabiristan has a nationalised economy making it a self-sufficient and nationalistic nation. Dabiristan has a large transport network connected all major cities (major cities are cities with a population of more than 1 million). Dabiristan is a heavily industrialised nation that has a low unemployement rate.